
  • Paket Wisata Jogja Termurah

    Paket Wisata Jogja Termurah

    Paket Wisata Jogja – Jogja adalah salah satu kota tujuan wisata terpopuler di Indonesia. Kota ini terkenal dengan keindahan alam, kearifan lokal, seni, dan budayanya yang kaya. Banyak wisatawan dari dalam dan luar negeri yang ingin berkunjung ke Jogja untuk menikmati keindahan dan keunikan kota ini.

    Paket Wisata Jogja Termurah

    Pilihan Paket Wisata Jogja Termurah

    Untuk menghemat biaya, banyak wisatawan yang mencari paket wisata Jogja termurah. Berikut ini beberapa pilihan paket wisata Jogja termurah yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan:

    1. Paket Wisata Hemat Jogja 2 Hari 1 Malam – Paket wisata ini menawarkan kunjungan ke berbagai tempat wisata terkenal di Jogja seperti Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Keraton Yogyakarta, dan Malioboro. Paket ini sudah termasuk transportasi, penginapan, dan tiket masuk ke objek wisata dengan harga mulai dari Rp 500.000 per orang.
    2. Paket Wisata Murah Jogja 3 Hari 2 Malam – Paket wisata ini menawarkan kunjungan ke objek wisata yang lebih lengkap, seperti Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Keraton Yogyakarta, Malioboro, Pantai Parangtritis, dan Goa Pindul. Paket ini sudah termasuk transportasi, penginapan, dan tiket masuk ke objek wisata dengan harga mulai dari Rp 800.000 per orang.
    3. Paket Wisata Budget Jogja 4 Hari 3 Malam – Paket wisata ini menawarkan kunjungan ke berbagai objek wisata seperti Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Keraton Yogyakarta, Malioboro, Pantai Parangtritis, Goa Pindul, dan Air Terjun Sri Gethuk. Paket ini sudah termasuk transportasi, penginapan, dan tiket masuk ke objek wisata dengan harga mulai dari Rp 1.200.000 per orang.

    Namun, perlu diingat bahwa harga paket wisata Jogja termurah biasanya tidak termasuk makanan dan minuman selama perjalanan. Pastikan juga untuk memilih agen travel yang terpercaya dan memiliki reputasi yang baik agar perjalanan Anda lebih aman dan nyaman.

    1. Paket Wisata Hemat Keluarga Jogja – Paket wisata ini cocok untuk Anda yang ingin berkunjung ke Jogja bersama keluarga. Paket ini menawarkan kunjungan ke objek wisata seperti Candi Borobudur, Keraton Yogyakarta, Taman Sari, Malioboro, dan Kasongan. Paket ini sudah termasuk transportasi, penginapan, tiket masuk ke objek wisata, dan makan pagi selama perjalanan dengan harga mulai dari Rp 1.500.000 untuk 4 orang.
    2. Paket Wisata Malam Jogja – Paket wisata ini menawarkan kunjungan ke objek wisata Jogja di malam hari seperti Malioboro, Keraton Yogyakarta, dan Tugu Jogja. Paket ini termasuk transportasi, penginapan, dan makan malam dengan harga mulai dari Rp 350.000 per orang.
    3. Paket Wisata Seru Jogja – Paket wisata ini menawarkan kunjungan ke objek wisata di Jogja seperti Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Malioboro, Taman Sari, dan Pantai Parangtritis. Paket ini termasuk transportasi, penginapan, tiket masuk ke objek wisata, dan makan siang selama perjalanan dengan harga mulai dari Rp 850.000 per orang.

    Itulah beberapa pilihan paket wisata Jogja termurah yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan. Namun, pastikan untuk melakukan riset terlebih dahulu sebelum memilih agen travel yang tepat agar perjalanan Anda menjadi lebih nyaman dan menyenangkan.

    Tips Paket Wisata Jogja Termurah

    Selain memilih paket wisata dengan harga termurah, Anda juga bisa mempertimbangkan beberapa tips berikut untuk menghemat biaya selama perjalanan ke Jogja:

    1. Pilih transportasi yang hemat – Anda bisa memilih transportasi umum seperti bus atau kereta api untuk pergi ke Jogja agar biaya transportasi lebih hemat. Jika ingin lebih fleksibel, Anda bisa menyewa motor atau mobil.
    2. Cari penginapan yang murah – Pilihlah penginapan yang sesuai dengan budget Anda, seperti guest house atau homestay. Jangan ragu untuk mencari diskon atau promo khusus di situs-situs booking online.
    3. Cari makanan di warung pinggir jalan – Cari makanan di warung pinggir jalan atau kaki lima yang terkenal murah meriah. Jangan lupa untuk mencicipi kuliner khas Jogja seperti gudeg, nasi kucing, dan wedang ronde.
    4. Cari objek wisata alternatif – Selain objek wisata utama seperti Candi Borobudur dan Candi Prambanan, Jogja juga memiliki banyak objek wisata alternatif yang menarik seperti Hutan Pinus Pengger, Hutan Pinus Asri, dan Museum Ullen Sentalu. Objek wisata alternatif biasanya lebih murah dan tidak terlalu ramai.
    5. Cari informasi sebanyak mungkin – Jangan ragu untuk mencari informasi tentang Jogja dari berbagai sumber seperti internet, teman, atau kenalan. Informasi yang lebih banyak bisa membantu Anda dalam memilih objek wisata dan menghemat biaya selama perjalanan.

    Dengan tips-tips tersebut, Anda bisa menghemat biaya selama perjalanan ke Jogja dan tetap menikmati keindahan dan keunikan kota tersebut. Selamat berlibur!

    Head Office :
    Jl. Talun KM.2 Tegalurung, Banyubiru, Dukun, Gaten, Banyubiru, Dukun, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56482

    Main Office :

    Jl. Dr. Radjimin, Wadas, Tridadi, Sleman, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55511

    (0274) 2884282

    [email protected]

    0812-2822-2283 / 0877-2211-2238

    asyikwisata.jogja terdepan dalam informasi.

  • 6 Rekomendasi untuk Manajemen dalam Mengenali Karyawan Berprestasi dengan Lebih Efektif

    INDRA NEWS – Manajemen yang efektif harus dapat mengenali karyawan berprestasi dan memotivasi mereka untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja mereka. Namun, seringkali manajemen kesulitan dalam mengenali karyawan yang berprestasi. Untuk itu, berikut adalah enam rekomendasi yang dapat membantu manajemen dalam mengenali karyawan berprestasi dengan lebih efektif:

    1. Tetapkan KPI (Key Performance Indicators) yang jelas dan terukur

    Tentukan KPI yang jelas dan terukur bagi setiap karyawan agar manajemen dapat melihat kinerja mereka secara objektif. KPI yang jelas dan terukur dapat membantu manajemen untuk menilai kinerja karyawan dengan lebih mudah.

    1. Berikan umpan balik yang terstruktur secara rutin

    Berikan umpan balik secara terstruktur dan rutin kepada karyawan. Hal ini dapat membantu manajemen dan karyawan untuk memantau kemajuan dan kinerja mereka. Selain itu, umpan balik yang baik dapat membantu karyawan mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka, sehingga mereka dapat meningkatkan kinerja mereka dengan lebih baik.

    1. Berikan penghargaan yang tepat waktu

    Berikan penghargaan secara tepat waktu kepada karyawan yang berprestasi. Hal ini dapat membantu meningkatkan motivasi dan kepercayaan karyawan. Jangan menunggu terlalu lama untuk memberikan penghargaan karena hal ini dapat mengurangi efektivitas penghargaan tersebut.

    1. Berikan pelatihan dan pengembangan

    Berikan pelatihan dan pengembangan kepada karyawan. Hal ini dapat membantu karyawan meningkatkan keterampilan dan kemampuan mereka. Karyawan yang memiliki keterampilan yang lebih baik dan lebih luas cenderung memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dan dapat dikenali lebih mudah.

    1. Gunakan teknologi untuk memantau kinerja

    Gunakan teknologi untuk memantau kinerja karyawan dengan lebih mudah dan efektif. Beberapa contoh teknologi yang dapat digunakan adalah perangkat lunak manajemen kinerja, perangkat lunak manajemen proyek, dan perangkat lunak analitik karyawan.

    1. Buat budaya penghargaan yang kuat

    Buatlah budaya penghargaan yang kuat sebagai bagian dari budaya perusahaan. Ini dapat membantu mendorong karyawan untuk melakukan yang terbaik. Manajemen dapat mengenali karyawan secara publik ketika mereka mencapai prestasi yang luar biasa, sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi karyawan dan memotivasi karyawan lainnya untuk melakukan yang terbaik.

    Dengan mengikuti rekomendasi di atas, manajemen dapat mengenali karyawan berprestasi dengan lebih efektif dan membantu mendorong karyawan untuk mencapai kinerja yang lebih baik.

  • What are the best PC mouse? This is Mouse Popular choice

    best mouse gaming

    Choosing the right mouse is essential for anyone who spends time on a PC. Whether for office work or for gaming. Since the budget for these mice can vary greatly, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. and clearly identify their needs.

    Here is a selection of the best mice on the market. Whether for gaming or for office automation, with a versatile selection.

    Mice under $50

    Microsoft Pro IntelliMouse – Simple, simple, effective

    Sometimes you don’t have to look far to combine sobriety and efficiency. With its sleek, even timeless design, the Microsoft Pro IntelliMouse is one of the heavyweights in its class. With an almost unbeatable price/performance ratio. Perfect for office automation for its comfort, very efficient in game thanks to its high precision. It will meet all the needs of those looking for a simple mouse, without eccentricity, which can be quickly taken in hand and which offers performance all the time. valid facts.

    Trust GXT Morfix – The versatile mouse

    The particularity of this mouse is to have four interchangeable magnetic plates. Which will add many buttons, with a complete software which will offer several configurations. Particularly practical when you are an MMO player, especially for those who want to completely personalize their experience. In addition to this non-negligible advantage, the GXT Morfix is ​​very pleasant in the hand, and has a correct weight. With a solid braided USB cord which will allow it not to wear out too much over time.

    Trust GXT 960 Graphin – A satisfying entry-level

    If you are looking for an entry-level mouse, which will not ask you to invest the cost of a game and which nevertheless offers good performance. While displaying a colorful look, the Trust GXT 960 Graphin will satisfy you. With its very complete software to completely customize its use and lighting, not to mention a grip that is just as effective, it will largely satisfy those who need a wired mouse that does the job.

    SteelSeries Rival 3 – The best in its category

    Undeniably one of the best picks if you’re looking for an affordable gaming mouse. Both lightweight and easy to grip, the SteelSeries Rival 3 is a mouse that’s easy to use and move around. Thought above all for video games, its more traditional forms also make it a good companion for working and browsing on the PC.

    It has a TrueMove Core optical sensor, RGB lighting and six buttons, making it a mouse with multiple options for its price. Note that despite its ambidextrous shape, two side buttons are located on the left side, which ultimately makes it a product especially intended for right-handers.

    Mid-range mice

    Razer Basilisk V2 – Excellence at a low price

    Undoubtedly one of the best mice on the market. cCompeted mainly by the V3 model which is certainly a little more expensive. But even more efficient. The Razer Basilisk V2 is an extremely light mouse that does not lack precision. with in particular buttons on the edge that adapt perfectly to FPS, without this mouse being overloaded.

    We will also note great ergonomics with a fairly sober design for a mouse from this manufacturer, with an adjustable wheel.

    Logitech MX Anywhere 3 – Guaranteed autonomy

    Very elegant and available in several colors, the Logitech MX Anywhere 3 is also a mouse offering significant customization for working (or playing). With fast navigation thanks to its MagSpeed ​​wheel, and its ability to switch from a computer to another (up to 3). It also has a long battery life, which makes it one of the most pleasant wireless mice on the market.

    Razer Naga Trinity – Personalization first

    Still at Razer, we find the Razer Naga Trinity which will be above all very interesting for players. Especially those who need great customization and a wide choice of buttons directly at their fingertips.

    Thanks to its interchangeable panels, it allows anyone to best configure their experience with a lot of shortcuts available. Despite all this, it remains sober and ergonomic, and can therefore be used in any context.

    MSI Clutch GM41 Lightweight Wireless – Perfect for FPS

    Sober and light, the MSI Clutch GM41 Lightweight Wireless has a charging base (as well as a long battery life of around 80 hours) and efficient software. Which allows you to configure it as you wish.

    Thanks to the PixArt Paw 3370 sensor, movements are more pleasant than ever, and its use is perfect for all FPS. Since its response time is very satisfactory for a wireless mouse.

    Logitech G903 Lightspeed – Perfect for ambidextrous

    A particularly light mouse, the Logitech G903 Lightspeed also has great precision that can be customized using comprehensive software. In addition to having a major advantage, that of being able to be used by right-handed people as well. than lefties.

    The many buttons can also be configured to adapt to everyone’s needs. And it also has a long battery life for long gaming sessions. Its wireless connection is also optimal with a very low latency rate.

    Logitech MX-Master 3 – One of the best products on the market

    As with the G903, Logitech offers a high-quality mouse here that adapts perfectly to the contours of the hand. Like the Logitech MX Anywhere 3, its Logitech Flow technology allows you to work with up to three different computers. While its very long battery life will allow you to take it everywhere with you without fear of breaking down.

    In addition, it has a wheel located towards the thumb that helps in quick navigation and various and customizable buttons, as well as great precision. If it does not quite compete with other more gamer-oriented mice in this same price range. It aims for excellence in office automation.

    Corsair Dark Core RGB Pro – Ready for all uses

    The Corsair Dark Core RGB Pro Mouse is arguably one of Corsair’s best products. Especially if you’re looking for a gaming mouse. Can be used in wired mode as well as wireless (with a low latency Bluetooth connection), it adapts to all needs.

    Its great precision goes hand in hand with its satisfactory autonomy. With ergonomics that has nothing to envy to its other competitors.

    Before choosing your mouse , it is essential to ask yourself the right questions. Generally, a good quality mouse accompanies us for a few years and several hours a day. We must therefore be careful not to choose just any one while wondering if it meets our needs.

  • AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT Review And Testing

    Radeon RX 6500

    The Radeon RX 6500 XT is aimed at gamers looking for an economical graphics card to play on a Full HD monitor. For this, AMD has developed a smaller chip than the rest of the series, so as to produce more at a lower cost.

    Presentation The Radeon RX 6500 XT

    Generations of graphics cards follow and resemble each other. Tirelessly, AMD like Nvidia decline their series at will, offering the fastest models first followed by various slower versions. The Radeon RX 6500 XT is part of this logic: released a little over a year after the Radeon RX 6800/XT and Radeon RX 6900 XT.

    It represents the seventh version of the series and, as its nomenclature indicates. Is positioned as an entry-level graphics card at the recommended price of €210.

    The technical point The Radeon RX 6500 XT

    To achieve this GPU model, AMD decided to produce a new chip called Navi 24. Twice as small as the Navi 23 of the Radeon RX 6600 and Radeon RX 6600 XT, it was initially designed to take place in laptop computers. . It uses a new 6 nm engraving process (TSMC) and not 7 nm as on the higher models. The low number of on-board transistors (5.4 billion, an RX 6800 has 26.8) obviously results in a much lower number of calculation units than on the rest of the series, but also in less extensive functionalities. .

    Thus, the Radeon RX 6500 XT does not embed any video encoding block. This graphics card can therefore in no way accelerate video encoding. Whether via a dedicated application such as HandBrake or Premiere or via a streaming application. AMD justifies its position by indicating that the PC processor can also perform the operation.

    But this is a rather narrow view of reality. It seems obvious to us that the Radeon RX 6500 XT is one of those graphics cards which are housed alongside entry-level processors.  I.e. chips whose performance reserve is not huge and which would benefit from a boost from the GPU for this type of operation.

    Technical characteristics The Radeon RX 6500 XT

    From a purely technical point of view, the Radeon RX 6500 XT’s Navi 24 chip has 1024 calculation units. 64 units dedicated to textures, 32 rendering units and 16 specific blocks for accelerating raytracing effects (Ray Accelerators ). The GPU is given for a maximum frequency of 2825 MHz and an average gaming frequency of 2236 MHz.

    AMD has also economized on memory, limiting this graphics card to 4GB of GDDR6. This low capacity will limit those of the card in an increasing number of games, including titles run with a low level of detail. The whole is completed by a low memory interface – 64 bits only – which, coupled with a frequency of 2250 MHz, gives rise to a starving bandwidth of 144 GB / s. Finally, the power consumption of the graphics card is given for 107 W.

    Noise The Radeon RX 6500 XT

    The Asus TUF Radeon RX 6500 XT O4G Gaming operates quietly. Noise pollution will not disturb those around the player. The ventilation cuts off when the GPU is below 50°C in temperature.

    The power consumption of the graphics card is in line with the data provided by AMD. We thus measured an average of 105 W with a few rare peaks at 110 W. It is therefore a fairly energy-efficient graphics card, which is a lesser evil given its technical characteristics.

    Performance in gaming

    Our Asus TUF Radeon RX 6500 XT O4G posted an average effective frequency of 2885 MHz during our tests. This very high value confirms the ability of the RDNA 2 architecture to operate at high frequency. It’s actually quite exhilarating to see a graphics card running at a frequency so close to 3 GHz, but that’s the only playful side of this model.

    Because in practice, the performances are low, very low even. In Full HD – the only definition really exploitable by this model. The performance is 68% lower than that of the superior model. The Radeon RX 6600. In practice, this translates into the need to limit games to a level of detail graphics set to medium at best. Minimum most often to achieve a frame rate of more than 50 fps. The GeForce RTX 3050 is twice as fast on average on our test protocol.

    Is the amd radeon rx 5500 xt good

    This great disparity in results has its source in our protocol. Which uses the most advanced graphics settings of the cards we test. In this context, the 4 GB of graphics memory of the Radeon RX 6500 XT are very often saturated, which leads to an exponential drop in results. By moving the sliders to less aggressive settings (medium/low). The performance difference would be smoothed out: the GeForce RTX 3050 is then “only” 29% faster.

    Finally, a point on raytracing : if it is possible to run games with these effects. The performance is such that it is an unusable option, the FSR activated or not changing nothing.

    Finally The Radeon RX 6500 XT

    The Radeon RX 6500 XT isn’t exciting, that’s a fact. Launched at €210 – but more often sold between €300 and €350 at the time of writing these lines – it is far too limited to position itself as a real alternative to the GeForce RTX 3050 . Admittedly, this model is announced at a 30% higher price, but the Nvidia card is also 30% faster.

    While its 8 GB of video memory is much more flexible and adapted to the progress of video games over the next few years. months (and years).

    Conclusion The Graphich Card

    The Radeon RX 6500 XT is an entry-level graphics card with performance limited by the technical choices made by AMD. Its graphics memory hogs performance too quickly on recent games, which need more than 4GB. A  technical requirement that will intensify over time. Add to that an ultra-restricted video engine and you get a card that is certainly less expensive than the competition, but really less shimmering.

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    • amd radeon rx 6500 xt graphics card
  • Babylon’s Fall has a complicated launch on Steam

    Babylon's Fall

    The current period of February and March is definitely rich in releases, perhaps even a little too much, at the risk of sending many titles under the radar. And we could have predicted it, but Babylon’s Fall seems to be one of those victims of this overflow of releases, since the first figures given by SteamDB are anything but reassuring for the game service of Square Enix and PlatinumGames .

    An announced fall?

    After peaking at 650 simultaneous players last night, the title has only just exceeded 1,000 Steam active people on the game at the time of writing these lines.

    The title has been available since yesterday , and even for a few days for those who have purchased a deluxe pack of the game. Giving the right to early access, while the Steam ratings are hardly laudatory for the moment. The price of the game is often singled out (the title is sold at full price, €69.99), even though it is a service game which is entitled to many microtransactions.

    The period also explains this lack of enthusiasm, since even without counting the other games of the competitors. Square Enix released three games almost in the same week , with this one,

    Triangle Strategy and Chocobo GP . If the latter obviously do not target the same audience, we can question the publisher’s strategy of releasing all its pawns at the same time. Knowing that Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin arrives on March 17. No doubt to inflate the numbers a little before the end of the fiscal year on March 31.

    Babylon’s Fall is available now on PC, PS4 and PS5. Our test will be available soon, but be sure to check out our latest preview.

    for more information about this game > babyloans gaming steam

  • Play One Game For The Rest Of Your Life

    if you could play games
    if you could play games

    If You Could Play One Game For The Rest Of Your Life

    You’re an online game player. Probably an expert. Actually, you’re probably an expert at a bunch of different games. And you probably enjoy playing lots of different games, especially the new ones. But, if you were to pick just one, just one game that you would have to play for the rest of your life – what would it be? Would it be an old school board game like Monopoly or Risk? Would it be Prime Suspects or Mah Jong Quest? Perhaps it would be a puzzle such as Big Kahuna Reef.

    You’re an online game player. Probably an expert. Actually, you’re probably an expert at a bunch of different games. And you probably enjoy playing lots of different games, especially the new ones. But, if you were to pick just one, just one game that you would have to play for the rest of your life – what would it be?

    Would it be an old school board game like Monopoly or Risk? Would it be Prime Suspects or Mah Jong Quest? Perhaps it would be a puzzle such as Big Kahuna Reef, or Fish Tycoon in an underwater adventure? Or maybe you’re a Texas Hold Em fan. Whatever it is, you’re probably very passionate about it. You play it a lot. But that’s how you get to be good, right? It’s also a great way to pass the time and just have some fun.

    Web Games

    Many people, especially those who aren’t super sophisticated when it comes to online games, are just looking for a way to pass the time. These are the folks you may see playing the slots for 8 hours at the casinos. They enjoy games, but tend to like the simple ones, without a whole lot of strategy.

    Online card, arcade, and puzzle games provide lots of entertainment value for many people, everyday. As a bonus, many of these types of games are free to play on the Internet. These games run in a web browser, don’t require much hardware, and work on almost any computer.

    If you could play only one game for the rest of your life, would it be a web game?

    Puzzle Games

    These types of games are very popular. Why? Many of them are free, or have a free version. There are also a lot of these types of games out there. What are some of the better ones?

    Jewel Quest: You match jewels and quest through beautiful Mayan ruins in dozens of mind-bending puzzles, while discovering hidden treasures and priceless artifacts.

    Prime Suspects: In what other game could you interview suspects, solve puzzles, and find key clues? Not many. That’s what makes Prime Suspects so cool. If you have a detective-like nature, you’ll be good at this one.

    Bejeweled 2: Innovative, non-violent, the classic game of gem-swapping. Sound interesting? The goal is to match gems and colors as quickly as you can. Kids and adults love this one.

    If you could play only one game for the rest of your life, would it be a puzzle game?

    Card Games

    Card games are as hot as ever. They require skill, they’re challenging and they’re fun. Games such as Tik’s Texas Hold Em and Super Poker Stars offer players three unique advantages. They offer the thrill of playing cards in a casino, there is no risk because there’s no money involved and best of all, players can test their skills against other card sharks. Online games are often new creations, but these games are new interpretations on the classics.

    If you could only play one game for the rest of you life, would it be a classic card game?

    Simulation Games

    By now, everyone has heard of The Sims. Simulation games have skyrocketed in popularity and for those gamers who love to create their own world, the options are endless. You can build a city, a world or an amusement park with mind boggling roller coasters. You can even go back in time and relive medieval battles. So what is the draw of these types of games?

    The hook is that as the game progresses, it gets more intricate. Take Cinema Tycoon for example. Start off with a small cinema and as you manage concessions, purchases new hit movies and try to avoid “flops” you build your cinema into a true Mega-Plex. This game is fun for all ages and levels of gamers.

    If you could only play one game for the rest of you life, would it be a simulation game?

    Strategy Games

    If you enjoy games that challenge the mind, perhaps strategy games like Risk II and Chessmaster Challenge are what you are looking for. These games require you to flex those mental mussels. Many of the classic strategy games are available to be played online. You can match wits with your intellectual counterpart in Russia and find out who truly is the Chessmaster! Sound like fun? It is.

    3D graphics have brought a new level of realism to strategy games. These games throw you into the action as if you were actually there…deploy your forces, attack your foes and build your armies. Strategy games are typically designed for no more than 12 simultaneous players. Many of these games are free, or have a free version online.

    If you could only play one game for the rest of you life, would it be a strategy game?

    Game Show Games

    You love to win; there is no question about it. Competition is in your blood. Well, then maybe you could play a game show game for the rest of your life. Maybe you want to play Family Feud, the fast-paced game based on the successful Family Feud TV game show! Beat the average score, or go head-to-head with a friend or an entire family! Maybe you are a rock & roll junkie, test your music knowledge (from the golden oldies to current top bands) with Rock & Roll JEOPARDY!

    If you could only play one game for the rest of you life, would it be a game show game?


  • Ugreen 7-in-1 review : an efficient USB-C hub


    Ugreen USB Hub 7-in1
    The Ugreen 7-in-1 USB-C hub extends the connectivity of a terminal equipment

    The Ugreen 7-in-1 USB-C hub extends the connectivity of a terminal equipped with a USB-C port. USB-A, HDMI, Ethernet and SD card reader sockets are on the program. It can also recharge the host device with its Power Delivery compatibility.

    Ugreen is a brand mainly distributed on marketplaces, which offers adapters and cables of all kinds. We set our sights on its “7-in-1 USB-C hub” model in order to evaluate its performance.

    Design & Ergonomics

    The Ugreen 7-in-1 USB-C multifunction hub measures 12.4 x 3.5 cm and 1.5 cm thick, which is a little bigger than the well-known highlighters. The USB-C cable is 25 cm long, plug included. Ugreen had the good idea of ​​using a braided cable deemed to be more resistant over time. The hub sports an aluminum shell similar to the space gray used by Apple on its MacBooks.

    The connection consists of two USB ports, an SD and microSD card reader on one side. On the other are the HDMI port and the USB-C power port. An RJ45 socket, opposite the USB-C cable, completes this hub.

    The two USB ports to the USB 3.0 standard (5 Gb/s) theoretically reach 600 MB/s. The SD card reader being announced by Ugreen at 104 MB/s, which is exactly the reading speed of the UHS standard -I without naming her.


    See Also : MSI GS75 Stealth Test : An Ultraportable gamer


    The HDMI port is to the HDMI 2.0 standard since the manufacturer explicitly announces that it supports a 4K definition with a frequency of 60 Hz. Finally, the port, the RJ45 is to the Gigabit standard and will therefore allow you to take full advantage of a fiber connection , for example.

    At the end of our measurements, we noted a temperature of 36.3°C on the aluminum shell of the hub. The latter distributes the heat evenly, and finally it is not at the level of the shell that the temperature is the highest, but at that of the cable with 42 ° C at the level of the joint.


    To test this USB-C hub, we connected it to a 4K display, a Crucial X8 external SSD. A Logitech Unify dongle, an Ethernet cable and an SD card capable of reaching 300 MB/s. Everything is powered by a charger 65W USB-C, the hub powering our test PC.

    Each of the USB-A ports allows our external SSD to reach 460MB/s read and write. The interface of the USB 3.0 ports therefore keeps its promises since our SSD, capable in normal times of reaching more than 1 GB/s. Saturates the USB ports of the hub which are close to the theoretical speed of USB 3.0 of 600 MB/s. The SD card reader is also close to the theoretical speeds announced by Ugreen with 94 MB/s in reading and 84 MB/s in writing on our SD card capable of reaching 300 MB/s.

    See Also : SteelSeries Rival 5 Review Software and driver

    Connection Ugreen 7-in-1

    Connecting to our Philips 4K screen provides a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels at a frequency of 60 Hz and offers a perfectly smooth experience. Charging via the Power Delivery function does its job with our 60 W USB-C charger. We were able to recharge an Asus Strix G14 with 52 W measured at peak. Like the other ports, the Gigabit holds its rank with 970 Mb/s recorded during a Speedtest.


    Ugreen delivers a USB-C hub with varied connectors, whose advertised speeds for each of the interfaces are respected. The presence of an HDMI port supporting 4K at 60 Hz and its 100 W Power Delivery port are practical and allow this hub to be used on demanding equipment.

    More information about ugreen product

  • Logitech MX Anywhere 3 Mouse Review

    Logitech MX Anywhere 3

    Logitech MX Anywhere 3 : The magic of the MagSpeed ​​wheel in a mobile mouse

    The benchmark for nomadic office mice, the Logitech MX Anywhere has undergone several evolutions. Its disengageable wheel  free scroll or notched, as desired has always been its centerpiece. providing undeniable ease of use when it comes to scrolling through long documents. So when Logitech introduced its new MagSpeed ​​wheel on its MX Master 3. Taking all the advantages of the previous disengageable wheel.

    But without its flaws (risk of instability on some models also observed during the Anywhere 2S test, precisely). We began to dream of a new version of the MX Anywhere that would have it. It is therefore done with this third version of the spearhead of Logitech nomadic mice. Which takes the opportunity to review its design.


    In the same way that the MX Anywhere 2 and 2S adopted the aesthetic codes of their parents MX Master 2 and 2S. The MX Anywhere 3 is logically inspired by the design of the MX Master 3. If the general shape and dimensions (100, 5 x 65 x 34.4 mm) are not upset. This third version being barely wider at its base (+3 mm), we still observe significant changes that modify the grip of the mouse.

    The most striking is at the level of the slices, less hollowed out. The thumb can no longer take support under the buttons. They are therefore better integrated and a little more accessible. On the other hand, it is not without posing some gripping concerns.

    Since the silicone coating of the edges may be in relief, it turns out to be less adherent than the material used on the MX Master 3. Lift the mouse to refocus it on the mat is thus a little less obvious and pushes to slightly change the way he grasps it.


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    Fortunately, Logitech has managed to reduce the mass of its mouse by a few grams. Our constraints to see the MagSpeed ​​wheel weighing down the MX Anywhere 3 were gone the moment we put the mouse on our precision scale. At 95 g, it is even 4 g less heavy than what Logitech announces and thus loses 9 g compared to the Anywhere 2S.

    Enough to give it good agility when handled with your fingertips, whether you are right-handed or left-handed. Indeed, the symmetrical design of the mouse allows its use with the left hand. It is unfortunately necessary to make a cross on the buttons, absent from the right edge. Too bad the MX Anywhere 3 is not completely ambidextrous.

    Accesibility for Logitech MX Anywhere

    The Swiss manufacturer has nevertheless made an effort of accessibility with its new MX Anywhere, significantly widening the main buttons. Big fingers will appreciate it. Sensitive ears, on the other hand, will like the sound of the mechanical switches associated with these buttons much less.

    While one would expect more discretion compared to the knobs of the MX Master 3, those of the MX Anywhere 3 are quite noisy. However, these are classic Omron D2FC-F-7N, guaranteed for a minimum of 10 million activations, which we find in many mice. Could the new shape of the buttons be responsible for less sound insulation? Still, for a nomadic mouse to be used almost anywhere, especially in the community, we find that quite boring.

    It is undoubtedly difficult to reconcile the firmness of the buttons  durability and quiet operation. Still, the observation is clear: the MX Anywhere 3 is not discreet at this level.

    Battery Capacity

    Despite a loss of weight that could cause fear of a drop in the capacity of the built-in Li-Po battery, it is not. Its 500 mAh is still enough to provide up to 70 days of use, according to Logitech. If you forget to charge it despite the alert message appearing when the charge level is low. You can always count on the fast charge to restore 3 hours of autonomy by simply plugging it in for one minute with its USB-C cable


    We also appreciate the multiple connectivity of the mouse. Which can also work well with the dongleUSB Unifying supplied (also compatible with other Logitech peripherals) than with Bluetooth. Thanks to the Flow function, it is even possible to control several computers at the same time. Whether they are under Windows or macOS.

    Very practical to switch, for example, from a laptop that we have just used on the move and which hosts documents, to a desktop computer at work or at home. Documents can be dragged from one computer to another by simply dragging and dropping, as if using a single computer.

    Logitech has even gone even further by simplifying the management of profiles depending on the type of software used. The functions of the different mouse buttons change automatically when switching from compatible software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, Zoom) to another.


    Capable of operating on a wide variety of surfaces, including glass. The PixArt PMW3816DM optical sensor of the Logitech MX Anywhere 3. The same as that of the MX Master 3 – also offers excellent precision. We appreciate not having to worry about where you put your mouse, which is truly all-terrain. We have yet to find any material that could interfere with its sensor.

    On the other hand, Logitech has decided to no longer indicate precisely the sensitivity of the sensor in its Logitech Options software. Instead, a simple slider bar adjusts the speed of the pointer. Easier to understand for the general public, no doubt, but less precise if you want to quickly find your favorite setting. If you are used to using another mouse on your desktop computer, for example.

    This situation arises in particular among PC gamers. Because while the MX Anywhere 3 sensor is very good in office automation. .Its responsiveness is not sufficient for use in fast games (FPS, etc.). It will nevertheless be quite suitable for occasional use or for less nervous titles. Preferably using the mouse in radio link with its Unifying dongle rather than Bluetooth to minimize latency.

    Easy to use, the Logitech Options software allows you to modify the functions of the two slice buttons. That of the wheel and the upper button of the MX Anywhere 3. Settings that may be different depending on the software used, Logitech Options taking particular account of supports Microsoft Office and Adobe suites.

    It is also in this software that the sensitivity settings of the sensor and the wheel are made, as well as the configuration of the Flow function, in particular to manage the transitions between the different computers to which the mouse is connected.


    By winning a MagSpeed ​​wheel particularly pleasant to use. The MX Anywhere 3 from Logitech asserts its status as the best mobile office mouse. Better does not mean perfect, however, and some regressions in terms of grip and operating silence are still to be noted. Small faults which do not mar a very positive overall assessment. But can discourage those who attach less importance to the dial or to the precision of the sensor, in particular.

    Software Suppport

    Logitech G Hub : Software Logitech Driver

  • Roccat Kone Pure Ultra Mouse Test – Software Update

    roccat kone pure image

    Roccat Kone Pure Ultra mouse test. Light, nice, but expensive

    Roccat Kone Pure Ultra is such an interesting mouse that you won’t even find it on the manufacturer’s website. It is not a very good proof of it due to the presence of this model on the market for several months.  But there, today we are not reviewing the company itself, and we are testing the Roccat Kone Pure Ultra mouse in the white version.

    Box and accessories included

    The box in which the Roccat Kone Pure Ultra comes to us presents what is most important, i.e. a render close to the actual size of the mouse on the front. A lot of information on the left side and what is most important in this model on the back. Inside, don’t count on impressive accessories, because the game, apart from the mouse itself in a plastic casing, includes only the user manual. However, I will save you reading – you connect the mouse to the computer via USB and voila, it works.


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    Design, materials and workmanship

    Tailored specifically for right-handed users. The Roccat Kone Pure Ultra is a model that boasts a low, about 66-gram weight without a cable. Which it obtained with a full, non-punched housing. This is one of the main advantages of this mouse, which combines directly with a matte finish with an admixture of rubber that is great to the touch.

    Its four-piece housing will appeal especially to those who like to feel the support of their hands on mice. Roccat achieved this with the Kone Pure Ultra with a deep groove for the thumb and a similarly designed right side panel for the little and ring finger.

    Design Roccat Kone Pure Ultra

    Instead of opting for a larger length or a higher ridge in the rear section.

    roccat kone pure image

    The Roccat in this model uses a fairly short casing with a very elliptical shape and many rounded edges. Although I do not like this type of approach personally. The adventure with Kone Pure Ultra finally came up positively, forcing me, as the owner of large hands. To use a palm-type grip in the 1 + 2 + 2 finger configuration. After a few hours of getting used to this rodent quickly. I liked it and I couldn’t really say a bad word about it in terms of its physicality.

    Good material

    Interestingly looking in the white version, the housing provides a solid grip, separated side buttons perfectly above the thumb. Easy access to the roller and, if necessary, two additional buttons above it, is something that should be appreciated. The case is similar at the bottom of the mouse, where a set of three sliders takes care of the smoothness of the glide. Two of them are huge and include a significant portion of the upper and lower base, and the third surrounds the sensor in the center. All of them have a smooth surface and rounded edges. Which, combined with their low weight, is perfect for dynamic movements.


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    The whole thing is complemented by a thin USB cable in a rubber cover. Which can and is flexible, and in addition it easily fits into a mouse bungee or on the top itself. However, before it reaches these properties, you have to “work it out” a bit. So in other words, it suggests stretching and crumpling it right after unpacking.

    Button test

    Kone Pure Ultra offers as many as six buttons and a roller, which distinguishes itself from so many other models with this one button above the scroll. There is a pair specially dedicated to DPI changes, working without any revelation, but at least it does not jam. The situation is much better with those side buttons. Where high-end switches are evidently used, providing zero-one way of working with the loud, hard nature of the click.

    Some of this character can be found in the main buttons. But unfortunately Roccat has not revealed exactly what is under them. However, the switches there are said to withstand a lot, as much as 50 million activations. So it is not something from a low shelf, which I can definitely confirm after testing by combining high responsiveness. Well-balanced softness and hardness of the click and relatively low volume. If I gave them a rating, I would be between 7 and 7.5 to 10. I would also rate a fairly quiet roller with noticeable, characteristic shifts on the bearing, but a bit too frequent.

    Swarm software

    Next to them, we can adjust the mouse to assign proverbs from a whole bunch of options, choose the backlight effect and play with these more advanced settings. We are talking about the possibility of activating the zero debounce option. Adjusting the LOD parameter with calibration especially for our shim. Or checking in a simple test whether we have chosen a good level of sensitivity.

    Download for roccat software

    Kone Pure Ultra backlight

    If you want to illuminate the stand, you have nothing to look for here. Admittedly, the Kone Pure Ultra has a very bright RGB diode. But this one can only be found under the manufacturer’s logo on the spine. In addition to the options of the permanent mode, flickering, breathing, heartbeat and smooth transition, we also find the proprietary Roccat AIMO system, which allows you to connect the backlight of other products from this manufacturer. Depending on the choice, we can choose the theme, color and speed of the effect, but the choice of brightness is always an option.

    Owl-Eye sensor test

    In the Kone Pure Ultra mouse we find the original Roccat optical sensor in the form of Owl-Eye, the sensitivity of which can range from 50 to 16,000 DPI with increments of 50 units. After calibrating on a material pad (LOD was ~ 1.6 mm)

    Unfortunately, these results are not favorable for the model, and I have to add my three cents to them. Admitting that after switching to the Kone Pure Ultra from the mouse with the best PixArt sensor at the moment (PMW3389), the difference in precision was noticeable.

    No wonder, however, as the model does not maintain a constant 1000 Hz refresh rate (according to one program). Shows smoothing and gets lost a bit, as shown by the blue-red graph. Below you can see the effectiveness of Owl-Eye depending on the level of sensitivity in terms of high frequency interpolation and jittering. Both phenomena were already felt at the level of 3200 DPI. And the first signs of a decrease in sensitivity can be noted at the level of 1600 DPI.

    Roccat Kone Pure Ultra test – summary

    Currently, the Kone Pure Ultra costs PLN 289. I can definitely say that it is too much for a hundred money if you are looking for a mouse well balanced in terms of possibilities and about PLN 50 if you care about the appearance, an additional button and great workmanship. The biggest problem in this model is the precision itself, the low level of which surprised me at the start. As I did not notice such a big problem with other tests of the Owl-Eye models.

    Ultimately, the Kone Pure Ultra Roccata model is simply a nice-looking and well-made, pleasant mouse with slightly extended possibilities and low weight. It provides not only a high level of comfort, but also an ideal shape for grasping palm trees with large hands and claw with smaller ones. However, the thorn at its side is the sensor itself, similar to those in the PLN 100/150 segment.

    Kone Pure Ultra uses the traditional Roccat HUB, where we can find all the most important options and something extra. There are profiles to save in the mouse memory, a macro manager with extensive assignments depending on the games, five predefined DPI levels, roller speed, double-click speed and cursor in Windows, which, of course, corresponds to the system settings.

  • Radeon RX 7900 XTX review: AMD returns to attack

    Radeon RX 7900 XTX review: AMD returns to attack

    GAMING SUPPORT – AMD is obviously keeping a slower pace than a few years ago, with the release of a new generation of graphics cards every two years. The brand is not the only one, Nvidia having also adopted this tempo for a few generations of cards. The Radeon RX 7900 XTX is launched at the same time as the Radeon RX 7900 XT and represents the top of the range of the series – pending the hypothetical release of an RX 7950 version.

    The technical point

    This series of Radeon RX 7000 obviously rhymes with the release of a new graphics architecture, the RDNA 3 which brings a radical change in the design of AMD’s graphics circuits. Exit the monolithic design and make way for a design in the form of a “chiplet”, an approach similar to that which has now been used for several years on Ryzen processors.

    Simply speaking, the chip no longer has a single circuit (die), but up to 7 dies. This allows more modularity, starting with the use of different etching processes — to reduce manufacturing costs and ensure better production efficiency (a small die is easier to manufacture than a large die).

    This is obviously not the only novelty of the RDNA 3 architecture here. The different calculation blocks have been reviewed and optimized. There are thus blocks dedicated to second-generation raytracing, which AMD announces up to 1.8x faster than the previous ones. This requires the management of new systems (Geometry Flags, ray flags and nod pointer) and optimized instruction scheduling. 

    The cache system has also been revised, the second generation Infinity Cache being faster than the previous one and accompanied by much larger L0, L1 and L2 caches. Finally, units dedicated to accelerating AI are now present (AI Matrix Accelerator), AMD thus following Nvidia’s approach with its Tensor Cores.

    The Radeon RX 7900 XTX in detail

    On the Radeon RX 7900 XTX, AMD has chosen to integrate 96 Compute Units. It thus embeds as many units dedicated to raytracing, 192 units dedicated to AI and 6144 conventional calculation units – against 5120 on the Radeon RX 6950 XT. The maximum GPU frequency is given for 2500 MHz and 2300 MHz in game. 384 bit. All this allows a memory bandwidth of 960 GB / s all the same.

    The energy envelope is set at 355 watts, a value quite close to that of the GeForce RTX 4080 (320 watts). The card’s power supply passes through a stage of 20 phases and, above all, through two 8-pin PCIe connectors, AMD having decided to ignore the recent – and maligned – 12HPWR connector found in particular on the GeForce RTX 40.


    Power consumption is unsurprising and consistent with what AMD indicates in its technical characteristics. It does not exceed 355 watts, as advertised, while the average is more around 335 watts, depending on the games, the definition and the graphic effects activated.

    Note: the note in the consumption section corresponds to the ratio between performance and power consumption.

    Performance in games

    The average operating frequency turned out to be higher than expected. On average, when games are running at 4K, this comes in at 2570 MHz on our gaming panel. A frequency that also changes only slightly depending on the games.

    Cut for 4K, the Radeon RX 7900 XTX offers a high-level gaming experience in this definition. However, it is necessary to analyze in detail the results obtained on our test panel to fully understand the positive and negative points.

    The AMD ecosystem

    AMD is also evolving its software ecosystem. For the time being, we have not been able to take control of all these developments which will arrive in dribs and drabs during 2023. We are thinking in particular of Hypr-RX, a “one-click” type system which will make it possible to optimize simply its graphics card to gain latency and performance. In fact, the option will automatically activate FSR, Radeon Boost (to optimize frequency) and Radeon Anti-Lag (to reduce latency) technologies. Coming in the first half of 2023.


    The Radeon RX 7900 XTX is a very good solution for gaming in 4K. Games display at a high frame rate, including raytracing when FSR is active. Nevertheless, if AMD manages to offer a card as fast as its direct competitor (the GeForce RTX 4080 ), we remain a little disappointed by its raytracing performance. The gap with the opponent is then high and the situation will not get better as the games use more effects of this kind. Shame.