Author: Indra News

  • New Pajero Sport: Jalani Petualangan Hidup dengan Semangat

    New Pajero Sport, SUV legendaris dari Mitsubishi, telah hadir dengan inovasi terbaru. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas betapa menggairahkannya menjalani petualangan hidup dengan New Pajero Sport. Temukan kehebatan dan keunggulan yang membuatnya menjadi kendaraan yang sempurna untuk mengeksplorasi dunia di sekitar kita.

    New Pajero Sport Indra News
    1. Desain yang Memikat:
      • New Pajero Sport menampilkan desain yang memikat dengan garis-garis yang tajam dan proporsi yang dinamis.
      • Grille depan yang tangguh, lampu depan LED yang modern, dan body kit yang sporty memberikan kesan yang kuat dan atraktif.
    2. Performa yang Menggemparkan:
      • Ditenagai oleh mesin yang tangguh, New Pajero Sport siap menghadapi tantangan di setiap petualangan.
      • Sistem penggerak empat roda (4WD) dengan fitur Super Select 4WD-II memberikan kendali penuh dalam berbagai kondisi jalan dan medan yang beragam.
    3. Kenyamanan yang Luar Biasa:
      • Interior New Pajero Sport menawarkan kenyamanan yang luar biasa dengan desain yang elegan dan bahan berkualitas tinggi.
      • Baris kursi yang dapat disesuaikan memberikan fleksibilitas dalam pengaturan ruang dan penyimpanan barang.
    4. Teknologi Canggih:
      • New Pajero Sport dilengkapi dengan teknologi terkini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengemudi modern.
      • Sistem infotainment terbaru dengan layar sentuh, konektivitas smartphone, dan fitur navigasi GPS menjadikan setiap perjalanan lebih menyenangkan dan terhubung.
    5. Keamanan Terjamin:
      • New Pajero Sport mengutamakan keselamatan pengemudi dan penumpang dengan berbagai fitur keamanan canggih.
      • Sistem pengereman anti-lock (ABS), kantung udara ganda, kontrol traksi, dan stabilitas elektronik (ESC) membantu menjaga stabilitas dan mengurangi risiko kecelakaan.
    6. Keandalan Legendaris:
      • Sebagai bagian dari warisan Pajero Sport yang legendaris, New Pajero Sport telah teruji dan terbukti dalam menaklukkan berbagai medan dan situasi ekstrem.
      • Dengan ketangguhannya yang teruji, New Pajero Sport siap menjalani petualangan hidup apa pun yang Anda hadapi.

    Kesimpulan: New Pajero Sport menghadirkan semangat petualangan yang membara. Dengan desain yang menawan, performa yang menggemparkan, teknologi canggih, kenyamanan luar biasa, dan keamanan terjamin, kendaraan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menjalani setiap petualangan hidup dengan semangat dan kepercayaan diri. Bersiaplah untuk menjelajahi dunia dengan New Pajero Sport dan rasakan kebebasan yang sesungguhnya.


  • Jasa Kontraktor Kolam Renang di Yogyakarta: Profesionalisme dan Kualitas Terbaik

    Jasa Kontraktor Kolam Renang di Yogyakarta

    Temukan jasa kontraktor kolam renang terbaik di Yogyakarta yang menawarkan layanan profesional dan kualitas terbaik. Dapatkan informasi tentang proses pembangunan kolam renang, bahan berkualitas, desain yang menarik, dan kepuasan pelanggan. Hubungi jasa kontraktor kolam renang terpercaya untuk mewujudkan impian kolam renang Anda.

    Kontraktor Kolam Renang di Yogyakarta
    Kontraktor Kolam Renang di Yogyakarta

    Membangun kolam renang yang indah dan berkualitas membutuhkan keahlian dan pengalaman. Di Yogyakarta, ada banyak jasa kontraktor kolam renang yang siap membantu Anda mewujudkan impian memiliki kolam renang pribadi. Artikel ini akan membahas jasa kontraktor kolam renang terbaik di Yogyakarta, yang menawarkan profesionalisme dan kualitas terbaik dalam pembangunan kolam renang.

    1. Keahlian dan Pengalaman:
      • Tim ahli dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam membangun kolam renang.
      • Pengetahuan mendalam tentang desain, konstruksi, dan perawatan kolam renang.
      • Portofolio proyek yang sukses sebagai bukti kualitas kerja.
    2. Proses Pembangunan Kolam Renang:
      • Konsultasi awal untuk merencanakan dan merancang kolam renang sesuai keinginan Anda.
      • Penggunaan bahan berkualitas tinggi dan teknologi terbaru dalam konstruksi kolam renang.
      • Pengawasan yang ketat selama proses pembangunan untuk memastikan kualitas dan keamanan.
    3. Desain yang Menarik:
      • Beragam pilihan desain kolam renang yang sesuai dengan gaya arsitektur dan preferensi Anda.
      • Integrasi elemen estetika seperti air terjun, lampu kolam renang, dan hiasan lainnya.
      • Penyesuaian desain dengan ukuran dan bentuk area yang tersedia.
    4. Bahan Berkualitas:
      • Penggunaan bahan berkualitas tinggi yang tahan terhadap cuaca, tahan lama, dan aman bagi pengguna.
      • Pilihan bahan seperti fiberglass, beton, atau vinyl liner, disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda.
      • Ketersediaan opsi tambahan seperti sistem pemanas kolam renang atau sistem filtrasi yang efisien.
    5. Kepuasan Pelanggan:
      • Testimoni pelanggan yang puas dengan hasil pembangunan kolam renang.
      • Pelayanan pelanggan yang responsif, ramah, dan profesional.
      • Jaminan kualitas dan perawatan pasca-pembangunan.

    Kesimpulan: Jasa kontraktor kolam renang di Yogyakarta menawarkan layanan profesional dan kualitas terbaik dalam pembangunan kolam renang. Dengan keahlian, pengalaman, dan pengetahuan yang mendalam, mereka mampu mewujudkan kolam renang impian Anda. Dengan proses pembangunan yang terencana, desainyang menarik, penggunaan bahan berkualitas, dan fokus pada kepuasan pelanggan, jasa kontraktor kolam renang di Yogyakarta dapat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan.

    Dalam memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang, pastikan untuk mempertimbangkan reputasi dan kredibilitas mereka. Tinjau portofolio proyek sebelumnya, baca ulasan pelanggan, dan pastikan mereka memiliki lisensi dan sertifikasi yang sesuai.

    Untuk mendapatkan layanan terbaik, jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan beberapa jasa kontraktor kolam renang. Diskusikan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda, tanyakan tentang proses pembangunan, desain yang mungkin, serta perkiraan biaya dan waktu yang diperlukan.

    Dengan memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang terbaik di Yogyakarta, Anda dapat memiliki kolam renang impian yang tidak hanya indah secara estetika, tetapi juga kokoh, aman, dan tahan lama. Nikmati kesegaran dan kebahagiaan kolam renang pribadi Anda, sambil mempercayakan pembangunan pada para profesional yang berpengalaman.

    Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi jasa kontraktor kolam renang terpercaya di Yogyakarta sekarang juga dan mulailah merencanakan kolam renang impian Anda.

    Jasa kontraktor kolam renang di Yogyakarta dengan fokus pada desain yang menarik dan inovatif

    1. Desain yang Menarik dan Inovatif: Jasa kontraktor kolam renang terbaik di Yogyakarta memiliki kemampuan untuk menciptakan desain kolam renang yang menarik dan inovatif. Mereka menggabungkan elemen-elemen arsitektur dan landskap yang sesuai dengan gaya dan keinginan Anda. Desain yang menarik mencakup penggunaan bentuk dan garis yang unik, pengaturan yang kreatif untuk elemen seperti air terjun atau kolam spa, serta integrasi material dan tekstur yang memberikan kesan visual yang menakjubkan.
    2. Teknologi Canggih: Jasa kontraktor kolam renang terkini menggunakan teknologi terbaru untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan fungsionalitas kolam renang. Misalnya, mereka dapat memasang sistem pengaturan suhu air otomatis, pencahayaan LED yang energi efisien, serta sistem otomatisasi untuk mengontrol fitur-fitur kolam renang seperti air terjun, lampu, dan pemanas. Teknologi ini tidak hanya meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna, tetapi juga meningkatkan efisiensi dan kenyamanan penggunaan kolam renang.
    3. Perawatan dan Pemeliharaan: Selain membangun kolam renang yang indah, jasa kontraktor terbaik juga memberikan layanan perawatan dan pemeliharaan berkala. Mereka dapat membantu Anda dalam membersihkan kolam renang, menjaga kualitas air, dan memeriksa sistem filtrasi serta komponen lainnya secara rutin. Dengan layanan perawatan yang baik, kolam renang Anda akan tetap dalam kondisi optimal, bebas dari masalah dan siap digunakan kapan saja.
    4. Kepuasan Pelanggan: Reputasi dan kepuasan pelanggan adalah faktor penting dalam memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang di Yogyakarta. Pastikan untuk membaca ulasan dan testimoni pelanggan sebelum memutuskan kontraktor mana yang tepat untuk Anda. Jasa kontraktor kolam renang terbaik akan memiliki reputasi yang baik dan umpan balik positif dari klien sebelumnya. Jangan ragu untuk meminta referensi dan melihat proyek-proyek sebelumnya yang telah mereka selesaikan.
    5. Konsultasi dan Penawaran yang Jelas: Sebelum memulai proyek pembangunan kolam renang, pastikan Anda melakukan konsultasi dengan jasa kontraktor terpilih. Diskusikan keinginan, anggaran, dan preferensi Anda dengan jelas. Jasa kontraktor terbaik akan memberikan penawaran yang transparan, termasuk estimasi biaya, jadwal proyek, serta rincian material dan pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan. Komunikasi yang baik dan pemahaman yang jelas antara Anda dan kontraktor adalah kunci keberhasilan proyek kolam renang.

    Kesimpulan: Memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang di Yogyakarta

    di Yogyakarta adalah langkah penting dalam mewujudkan impian memiliki kolam renang yang berkualitas. Dalam artikel ini, kami telah membahas faktor-faktor penting yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang, seperti keahlian, pengalaman, desain yang menarik, teknologi canggih, perawatan dan pemeliharaan, serta kepuasan pelanggan.

    Dengan memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang terbaik, Anda dapat mengandalkan keahlian mereka dalam merancang dan membangun kolam renang yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan gaya Anda. Mereka akan menggunakan bahan berkualitas tinggi, mengintegrasikan teknologi terbaru, dan menawarkan layanan perawatan yang teratur untuk menjaga kolam renang tetap dalam kondisi optimal.

    Sebelum Anda memutuskan untuk bekerja sama dengan jasa kontraktor kolam renang tertentu, pastikan untuk melakukan penelitian yang teliti. Tinjau portofolio mereka, baca ulasan pelanggan, dan pastikan mereka memiliki sertifikasi dan lisensi yang diperlukan. Anda juga dapat meminta rekomendasi dari teman, keluarga, atau tetangga yang telah menggunakan jasa kontraktor kolam renang sebelumnya.

    Ingatlah bahwa membangun kolam renang adalah investasi jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memilih jasa kontraktor kolam renang yang tidak hanya dapat membangun kolam renang yang indah, tetapi juga dapat memberikan layanan perawatan yang berkelanjutan untuk menjaga kolam renang tetap dalam kondisi yang baik.

    Dengan bantuan jasa kontraktor kolam renang yang berkualitas di Yogyakarta, Anda dapat memiliki kolam renang yang menjadi pusat kebahagiaan dan relaksasi bagi keluarga Anda. Jangan ragu untuk mencari jasa kontraktor kolam renang terpercaya dan mulai merencanakan proyek kolam renang impian Anda hari ini.

    Dani indranews

  • Perubahan Paradigma dalam Industri Asuransi: Dampak Teknologi dan Inovasi

    Temukan bagaimana perkembangan teknologi dan inovasi telah mengubah industri asuransi dan berdampak pada proses underwriting, penilaian risiko, manajemen klaim, dan pengalaman pelanggan. Pelajari tentang tantangan dan peluang yang muncul, serta langkah-langkah yang diambil perusahaan asuransi untuk menghadapi perubahan ini.

    Perubahan Paradigma dalam Industri Asuransi: Dampak Teknologi dan Inovasi

    Industri asuransi mengalami perubahan revolusioner seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi dan inovasi. Perkembangan dalam teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah mempengaruhi setiap aspek operasional asuransi, mempercepat pemrosesan klaim, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang risiko. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan mengupas dampak teknologi dan inovasi terhadap industri asuransi, dengan fokus pada perubahan dalam proses underwriting, penilaian risiko, manajemen klaim, dan pengalaman pelanggan. Kami juga akan mengeksplorasi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh industri ini, serta peluang yang muncul sebagai akibat dari perubahan ini. Selain itu, kami akan mengungkap langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh perusahaan asuransi untuk menghadapi transformasi ini dan tetap relevan di era digital.

    1. Perubahan dalam Proses Underwriting:
      • Penggunaan Data dan Analitik yang Lebih Canggih
      • Automatisasi dalam Evaluasi Risiko
      • Kepemilikan Data yang Lebih Mendalam
    2. Penilaian Risiko yang Lebih Akurat:
      • Pemanfaatan Teknologi Big Data
      • Analisis Prediktif untuk Mengidentifikasi Risiko Potensial
      • Pemantauan Risiko Real-Time
    3. Manajemen Klaim yang Efisien:
      • Pemrosesan Klaim Otomatis
      • Penggunaan Teknologi Pemrosesan Gambar
      • Penggunaan Chatbot untuk Dukungan Pelanggan
    4. Pengalaman Pelanggan yang Ditingkatkan:
      • Aplikasi Seluler untuk Layanan Asuransi
      • Pelayanan Pelanggan Berbasis Daring
      • Personalisasi dan Customization

    Tantangan dan Peluang:

    • Perlindungan Data dan Privasi
    • Keamanan Cyber
    • Persaingan dari Startup Asuransi Digital
    • Potensi Inovasi yang Membuka Peluang Baru

    Langkah-langkah Menghadapi Perubahan:

    • Investasi dalam Teknologi dan Infrastruktur
    • Kemitraan dengan Startup dan Perusahaan Teknologi
    • Pengembangan Keterampilan dan Kemampuan SDM
    • Inovasi Produk dan Layanan Asuransi

    Kesimpulan: Perkembangan teknologi dan inovasi telah merubah paradigma dalam industri asuransi. Perusahaan asuransi harus siap menghadapi tantangan dan memanfaatkan peluang yang muncul dengan menggunakan teknologi yang tepat dan mengadopsi strategi inovatif. Dengan melakukan hal ini, mereka dapat tetap relevan, kompetitif, dan mampu memberikan pengalaman yang untuk para pelanggan. Industri asuransi harus terus beradaptasi dengan perubahan teknologi dan memanfaatkannya secara efektif untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, mengurangi risiko, dan memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan.

    Dengan memahami dampak teknologi dan inovasi dalam industri asuransi, perusahaan dapat mengambil langkah-langkah strategis yang diperlukan untuk tetap bersaing dan memimpin dalam era digital. Investasi dalam teknologi dan infrastruktur yang relevan, kemitraan dengan startup dan perusahaan teknologi, serta pengembangan keterampilan dan kemampuan sumber daya manusia akan menjadi faktor penting dalam menghadapi perubahan ini.

    Selain itu, penting bagi perusahaan asuransi untuk terus berinovasi dalam produk dan layanan yang mereka tawarkan. Menggali potensi inovasi baru, seperti asuransi berbasis blockchain atau teknologi lainnya, dapat membuka peluang baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dengan cara yang lebih efisien dan inovatif.

    Dalam kesimpulan, perubahan paradigma dalam industri asuransi akibat perkembangan teknologi dan inovasi adalah sebuah kenyataan yang harus dihadapi. Dalam menghadapi perubahan ini, perusahaan asuransi perlu mengambil tindakan proaktif dan mengadopsi strategi yang sesuai untuk memanfaatkan teknologi dan inovasi dengan cara yang paling menguntungkan. Dengan demikian, mereka dapat mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif, meningkatkan kualitas layanan, dan memenuhi harapan pelanggan di era digital yang terus berkembang.

    Selain itu, penting bagi perusahaan asuransi untuk memperhatikan perlindungan data dan privasi. Dalam era digital yang semakin terhubung, perusahaan harus menjaga keamanan data pelanggan mereka dan mengadopsi praktik terbaik dalam mengelola dan melindungi informasi sensitif. Keamanan cyber juga menjadi tantangan yang perlu dihadapi, karena industri asuransi menjadi sasaran potensial bagi serangan keamanan digital. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan harus mengembangkan langkah-langkah keamanan yang kuat dan menginvestasikan sumber daya yang cukup untuk melindungi infrastruktur mereka.

    Persaingan juga semakin ketat dengan munculnya startup asuransi digital yang menawarkan solusi inovatif. Perusahaan asuransi yang sudah mapan perlu memperhatikan pergeseran ini dan merespons dengan cepat. Mereka harus memperkuat keunggulan kompetitif mereka dengan mengadopsi teknologi dan inovasi, serta memberikan pengalaman pelanggan yang superior.

    Dalam menghadapi perubahan paradigma ini, perusahaan asuransi juga perlu berfokus pada personalisasi dan customization. Dengan memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi pelanggan secara individual, perusahaan dapat menyediakan solusi asuransi yang sesuai dan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih relevan dan memuaskan. Penggunaan aplikasi seluler untuk layanan asuransi dan pelayanan pelanggan berbasis daring dapat meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan kemudahan bagi pelanggan.

    Dalam era teknologi dan inovasi, perubahan paradigma dalam industri asuransi merupakan suatu keharusan. Perusahaan asuransi harus siap untuk menghadapi tantangan, mengoptimalkan peluang, dan terus berinovasi untuk tetap relevan dan sukses di pasar yang terus berkembang. Dengan mengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat dan memanfaatkan teknologi dengan bijaksana, industri asuransi dapat memainkan peran yang penting dalam melindungi dan mengamankan masyarakat serta memberikan nilai tambah yang signifikan bagi pelanggan mereka.

  • Logitech K750 Keyboard Perfect for Typing

    Logitech K750 image

    Logitech K750 Keyboard Impresion

    Awireless keyboard that recharges using ambient light, this is the originality of the K750 Solar from the manufacturer Logitech. Simple gadget or quality keyboard? Here are our impressions.

    Among the myriad of keyboards that Logitech offers, the K750 Solar stands out with its solar panel charging technology, it captures ambient light (solar or artificial) and its battery charges without needing to be plugged in.

    Available for a little less than 100 €, and regularly on sale around 80 €, the K750 made a strong impression when it was released in 2010. Since solar charging is today, even more than before, in the air. time, let’s see if its construction and typing quality make it a keyboard that has remained modern.

    Design For Logitech K750

    The K750 Solar sports a rounded design and unfortunately all-plastic chassis. This one bends (too) easily under pressure and doesn’t feel very solid. The shiny coating is not a priori unpleasant, but in use, we quickly understand its limits: it easily retains dust, fingerprints and is easily scratched.

    Logitech K750

    The keyboard is very thin (barely 7.6 mm) and the presence of solar panels above the keys significantly increases its depth, which reaches 15.9 cm.

    In the absence of palm rest, however, it does not take up too much space on a desk. Allow 43.2 cm for its total width.

    Button for logitech K750

    Most of the keys on the keyboard are slightly curved to better accommodate the fingers, but others – like the function keys or those at the bottom of the keyboard (Space, Windows, Ctrl, etc.) re curved, which allows them to be differentiated touch.

    The function keys are adorned with a few multimedia or classic shortcuts to the calculator or emails, for example.

    See Also : Logitech MK345 Comfort Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

    Above the numeric keypad is the On / Off button and a key decorated with a small sun. Coupled with two small smileys , it indicates whether the level of brightness is sufficient to charge the keyboard.

    A green LED lights up if this is the case, and a red LED lights up if the panels do not receive enough light.

    Connection for Logitech K750

    The K750 works wirelessly. Logitech announces 3 months of use in the dark with a fully charged battery. In practice this should not happen, and the keyboard should be able to recharge on most desktops, especially since using the keyboard in dim light is difficult due to the lack of backlighting.

    Logitech explains that this would consume too much energy compared to that provided by the light. It’s a shame, but that’s often the case with wireless keyboards anyway.

    If you absolutely want to know the percentage of remaining battery, the dedicated software Solar App from Logitech is free to download. This little app doubles as a light meter, not really useful for most people, but you never know.

    Finally, the manufacturer has not inserted any space to house the small Unifying dongle , yet present on many other models of the brand and very practical not to lose this small connector when transporting the keyboard.

    Interest for Logitech K750

    On this keyboard, Logitech has opted for scissor switches, classic on this type of thin keyboards. Typing is a bit soft and you have to exert some force on the keys to activate them.

    Nothing really bad, however, and the strike has the merit of being silent, except on the space bar which is, as often, much more audible.

    See Also : Logitech M705 User Manual Guide


    While the Logitech K750 Solar is a wireless solar keyboard that’s not outdated, it’s starting to make its age felt, especially with its average build quality, materials used, and lack of backlighting.

    The only element that sets it apart from other office keyboards remains its solar panels and its theoretically unlimited autonomy. A sustainable aspect that makes sense, especially in an electronics sector undermined by product obsolescence.

    For a few euros more, the MX Keys from the same manufacturer or the Microsoft Surface seem to us to be better options in terms of ergonomics and functionalities


    • 100% solar charge.
    • Almost unlimited autonomy.
    • Wireless.
    • Quiet.


    • Medium construction and all plastic.
    • Glossy coating that marks easily.
    • Weak feet.
    • No storage for the Unifying receiver.

    Logitech G Hub Software

    G Hub Logitech

  • ROCCAT ELO 7.1 AIR Headset Testing, Software Support


    The Roccat Elo 7.1 Air is the brand’s first wireless gaming headset. Offered under the 100 € bar, it allows you to enjoy the comfort of wireless without breaking the bank and has a rather neat design for its price.

    The sound performance is decent, as is the battery life exceeding 20 hours. Too bad the Swarm software still lags behind the competition.

    ROCCAT ELO 7.1 AIR Review

    Roccat unveils its new range of gaming headsets with the Elo models. On the program, three models meeting the needs and budgets of most players:

    • Roccat Elo x Stereo : The most affordable, with a price of 49.99 € and a 3.5 mm connection allowing it to work with all current platforms.
    • Roccat Elo 7.1 USB : A little more expensive with a price of 69.99 € , it connects via USB and benefits from virtual 7.1 compatibility and RGB lighting thanks to the Roccat Swarm software.
    • Roccat Elo 7.1 Air : The Air version takes over the functionality of the USB models but goes wireless with a 2.4 Ghz connection. Count 99.99 €.

    It is this wireless version that we present to you today. This is Roccat’s first foray into the wireless world and the headset will compete with the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 , the Corsair HS70 Wireless Pro or even the SteelSeries Arctis 1 Wireless .

    See Also : Cyber Acoustics Stereo PC Headset Perfect Choice for VOIP

    Design & Ergonomics

    The design of this new Elo range has been completely revised compared to the brand’s previous helmets. The manufacturer opts here for a system with a suspended arch, like what we had already discovered on the SteelSeries models or more recently on the Logitech G733 Lightspeed .

    The three models have a fairly similar design, with the only difference being the absence of RGB lighting on the Elo X Stereo model, the most affordable in the range. For the rest, the whole is strictly identical, with a rather imposing look and dark tones.

    Helmet Design Detail

    In the details, we first focus on the new headband of these Elo helmets. Two metal bands come here to support the structure of the helmet and give it a certain strength.

    Lower down, a padded headband adjusts to the shape of your head. The upper part is badged with the brand logo while the section in contact with the skull is equipped with a breathable fabric to limit perspiration.

    Design Ear Cup Free for Degree

    The ear cups can be rotated 90 °, so as to adapt more easily to the morphology of each player but also to facilitate the wearing around the neck or the transport of the helmet. They are then mounted on hinges again offering a few degrees of freedom so as to fit perfectly against the ears.

    The outer shell is accompanied by Roccat AIMO compatible RGB lighting. They can be configured from the Roccat Swarm software, which is discussed a little below.

    The inner part of the ear cups has removable pads with memory foam. They come with an imitation leather covering and benefit from ProSpec s technology . The latter facilitates the wearing of glasses by limiting the density of foams at the level of the passage of the branches. A little extra that we already found on Turtle Beach helmets , now Roccat’s parent company.

    Comfortable Roccat Elo 7.1 Air

    Once on the head, the Roccat Elo 7.1 Air is comfortable, especially at the level of the hoop. The weight of the helmet is well distributed over the head and you quickly forget its almost 350 g on the scale. As for the atria, it’s a little worse and the foams would have deserved a little more generous and soft padding in our opinion.

    Place the controls of the headset and here everything happens on the rear edge of the left atrium. There is a first wheel to manage the sound volume (synchronized with Windows) then a second to adjust the monitoring level, to more or less hear your own voice when using the microphone.

    Below, a first button allows you to mute or activate the microphone capture and a second to turn the headset on or off. A dedicated USB-C connector for charging completes this highly charged headset.

    Button Position for Roccat Elo 7.1 Air

    In use, these different commands are not necessarily very intuitive to learn. This is particularly the case with the volume wheel, which is poorly positioned and difficult to reach on the first try.

    Also, rather than an adjustment of the monitoring, we would have liked to be able to manage the mix between the sound of the game and that of the voice chat, as is often the case on Turtle Beach headsets.

    At the front of the headset, there is finally a last connector for the removable microphone of the Roccat Elo 7.1 Air. No windshield protects the capsule and we will come back to the end of the article on the capture performance.


    The Elo 7.1 Air works wirelessly, via a 2.4 Ghz connection. This is the one and only method of connecting the headset and it is not possible to use it in Bluetooth, or even in wired.

    To connect the headset wirelessly, you will need to connect the USB dongle to your PC and then hold the Power button on the headset for 2 seconds.

    In use, no negative point to underline concerning the 2.4 Ghz connection (or Stellar Wireless to use the terms of the brand). The range is quite good, with about fifteen meters before suffering the slightest cut.

    As for autonomy, Roccat announces up to 24 hours wirelessly. This seems to correspond to our results. Even if we can obviously have some differences depending on the intensity of the lighting and the listening volume.

    Roccat Swarm software

    The helmet is compatible with the brand’s in-house software, Roccat Swarm. It is available for free from the manufacturer’s website and we obviously recommend that you install it if you want to take advantage of all the options of the Roccat Elo 7.1 Air.

    From Swarm, you can create up to 5 configuration profiles and load them automatically according to your games or applications.

    Roccat Software Support

    Parameter setting

    From the “Parameters” tab, there are various inserts allowing you to adjust the sound options of the headphones.

    It is possible to manually adjust the equalizer of the headphones, or to select one of the presets already offered by Roccat. There are also some additional options with the settings “Clarity of voices”, “Clarity of sounds” or “Bass equalizer”.

    Also from this same window, you can also adjust the volume of the headphones and the monitoring level, activate or deactivate the virtual 7.1 surround mode or even opt for the Superhuman Hearing mode.

    Microphone option

    There are also some options for the microphone, with the ability to select the sampling rate. Activate noise cancellation or adjust the sensitivity of the capture. Finally, a “Magic voice” option allows you to modify the rendering of your voice. It’s a bit difficult to understand what these options do to be honest.

    A final section allows you to view the remaining battery life of the headset. It is also possible to display an indicator directly in its icon bar. However, there is no option to modify the headset’s automatic standby time.

    Lighting Effect

    The second “Lighting” tab takes care of the adjustments of the RGB effects. We can opt between static, breathable or flashing lighting or opt for the AIMO effect and synchronize all this with the brand’s other peripherals.

    Note in passing that the software does not allow you to directly deactivate the RGB lighting. It will be necessary to select a lighting then to select an “empty” block in the choice of the color. When you know how RGB effects can tend to reduce battery life, that’s a shame.

    Overall of Setting

    Overall, Roccat’s software deserves a facelift. The multiplication of options available is more likely to lose the user than anything else. Hundreds lack an explanation as to their real usefulness, while others just have no place here. Also, it is necessary to wait a second or two to apply each change and this quickly discourages us from setting up the headset in great detail.

    Sound performance

    The Roccat Elo 7.1 Air has 50mm neodymium transducers. As explained a little above, the sound reproduction can be adjusted according to your preferences via the Roccat Swarm software. And you will have the choice between a stereo or virtual 7.1 mode.

    To get a better idea of ​​the sound performance of the headset. It has been tested with the default settings on several games such as The Witcher 3, Call of Duty Warzone, Battlefield V or even Hades.

    Quality for price?

    Overall and for its price, the headset does a decent job. We enjoy a relatively well balanced sound and the various details stand out. On The Witcher 3, the soundtrack and the sound effects stand out as well as the numerous dialogues and the excellent VO dubbing of the game.

    We obviously remain a good notch below the big names in the sector. like the Astro A50 Gen 4, but the Roccat model is also 3 times cheaper.

    Sound Rendering

    Same fight on the different FPS, where the Elo 7.1 Air allows you to enjoy a convincing rendering in terms of shots or explosions. Without covering the small details allowing you to spot your opponents.

    The Superhuman Hearing option can tend to distort the sound rendering. But by emphasizing certain specific sounds, we can hear much better the noise of an opponent hidden in the next room for example.

    To see if you are ready to ignore the immersion and the sound quality to possibly better distinguish your enemies.

    Microphone quality

    We end with a point concerning the microphone of the Elo 7.1 Air. If you are used to online gaming, this is obviously an important point when choosing a gaming headset.

    Here, Roccat’s helmet is once again doing a decent job. The capture is convincing, with a voice that is natural enough and powerful enough to be heard without raising the tone.

    We obviously remain below a real USB microphone like the Blue Yeti X , but for the price it’s all good.


    With a manufacturer price of € 99.99 , the Roccat Elo 7.1 Air has one of the best value for money. In the sector if you want to equip yourself with a wireless gaming headset without breaking the bank.

    With a solid design, decent sound performance and plenty of features via the Swarm software. Roccat offers here a complete and affordable gaming headset.

    However, all is not perfect and despite this aggressive price, some reservations emerge after ten days of use. We may in particular regret the somewhat thin padding of the pads. Not very intuitive controls or even Roccat Swarm software which would benefit from being simplified.


  • Razer Kiyo Pro High End Webcame Review

    The Best Webcam of 2021?

    The Razer Kiyo Pro is a high-end webcam offered at around 200 €. It mainly targets players who are fans of streaming or professionals wishing to equip themselves with an efficient and easy-to-use solution for their video conferencing.

    It stands out with its HDR option allowing it to offer very good image quality. With or without additional lighting. It is capable of filming at 1080p60 in classic mode and 1080p30 with HDR mode enabled.

    Peformance Razer Kiyo Pro Webcame

    Three years after its Kiyo , Razer is upgrading its webcam by unveiling a new Kiyo Pro version . For this second generation, the manufacturer is abandoning integrated lighting and relying on a much more efficient sensor to appeal to streamers and professionals who multiply videoconferences.

    The manufacturer announces that it has developed a sensor capable of adapting to different lighting situations, and in particular with low light. A point that should be of particular interest to players who are used to playing in dark rooms.

    For the rest, the Kiyo Pro offers 1080p 60 or 1080p 30 capture when you activate its HDR functionality and it is possible to opt for a more or less wide viewing angle.

    Positioned at the top of the range with a price of around € 200 , it competes with models such as the Logitech StreamCam or the AverMedia PW513.

    Design & Ergonomics

    The webcam takes a circular look quite close to that of the first Kiyo. Its size is however a little more imposing, with a slightly deeper body and a completely revised adjustment system.

    The webcam chassis is crafted from a rather confident black plastic, with a ring on the front reminiscent of the one found on camera lenses.

    The latter is however more aesthetic than anything else, since it cannot be rotated and therefore does not allow to mechanically adjust the zoom or the focus of its lens.

    Webcam USB-C Connector

    At the back, there are various perforations to limit heating as well as a USB-C connector. The Kiyo Pro now benefits from a removable cable, and if the 1.5m length offered by the default cable is not enough for you, we can easily opt for another slightly longer cord.

    As for the adjustments, the camera is fixed on a first plate allowing it to rotate 360 ​​° as well as from bottom to top.

    It can be dislodged from this fixing to come and place it directly on another support or a tripod thanks to its integrated screw thread.


    See Also : Logitech C922 Pro Webcam Review and Test


    The webcam can be mounted on a tripod

    The support is then made up of two plates with soft-touch coating making it easy to hang the Kiyo Pro behind a screen or, on the contrary, to place it directly on your desk. It all works pretty well and the webcam should be able to adapt to just about any situation without too much problem.

    Under the support, there is also a second screw thread allowing the assembly to be fixed once again on a tripod, a telescopic arm such as the Elgato Multi-Mount or on a ring-light for example.

    Finally, when not in use, it is possible to place a cap in front of the lens so as to hide it. We would have preferred here a system directly integrated into the camera in order to avoid losing it.

    Image quality

    Now that we have looked at the owner and the options offered by this Razer Kiyo Pro, let’s move on to image quality.

    As explained a little earlier, the webcam offers two types of capture with a classic mode in 1080p at 60 FPS and an HDR mode still in 1080p but this time limited to 30 FPS.

    For once, it’s a bit of a shame that we are limited in terms of framerate in this second mode, because we will see that the latter brings a real plus in terms of image quality.

    4k Recording not Support

    Despite its price of 200 €, also note that the Kiyo Pro does not offer 4K recording. If this may seem strange for some users, we find on our side that the Full HD resolution remains largely sufficient for a webcam.

    In addition to these two recording modes, it is also possible to opt for a more or less wide viewing angle at 80 °, 90 ° and 103 °. In practice, however, we will see a little below that the differences between these three modes are not really huge.

    Rather than a long paving stone, we suggest you discover below some examples of capture in different situations. Obviously, to better appreciate the image quality. We especially recommend that you take a look at our presentation video available at the top of this article or directly on our YouTube page.

    Better than Logitech C920?

    Also, in order to obtain a point of comparison, the Razer Kiyo Pro will also be compared to the aging but still very popular Logitech C920. available for its part under the bar of 100 € as well as a Samsung Galaxy S10E smartphone via the Iruin Webcam application.

    We will try to add you eventually a comparison against the Logitech Brio 4K, the high-end model of the brand.

    See Also : Logitech HD Pro C920 Webcam Review


    With its Razer Kiyo Pro, the manufacturer offers a convincing high-end webcam. Thanks to the HDR mode, the image quality is there. And whether or not you have specific lighting to illuminate your room.

    We appreciate its well thought out ergonomics, allowing it to adapt to most situations and screens, but also to the vast majority of media. The finishes are also of good quality, but we may regret a (removable) cable that is a little too short.

    The question of price obviously remains, because at nearly € 200 this Razer Kiyo Pro is clearly not cheap. For a similar budget, today we can equip ourselves with an Elgato CamLink style capture card. And associate it with a used GoPro for example.

    The image quality will probably be better, even if we lose the “ Plug-and-Play” side of a traditional webcam. To see according to your preference

  • Razer Orochi V2 Review, software and manual support


    The Razer Orochi V2 is a compact and ultralight mouse, capable of operating wirelessly via Bluetooth or 2.4 Ghz. Compared to the previous Orochi, its ergonomics are improved and its design can be customized from the Razer site.

    The mouse is positioned as an alternative to the Logitech G305 and Corsair Katar Pro Wireless, with a much more contained weight but a higher price at 79.99 €.

    Razer Orochi V2 review

    If you are looking for a wireless and lightweight gaming mouse, you should generally look to ones with an internal rechargeable battery. Problem, the vast majority of models available are offered above the 100 € bar ( G Pro X Superlight , Viper Ultimate , Prime Wireless).

    See Also : Logitech G Pro X Superlight Super Sensor

    Razer Orochi V2 – Test and opinion on the brand’s new wireless gaming mouse
    With the Razer Orochi V2, the manufacturer hopes to change the situation and offers for the first time a mouse combining lightness and battery power. Enough to overshadow the famous Logitech G305 or the most recent SteelSeries Rival 3 Wireless .

    Design & Ergonomics

    If we recently had the opportunity to present you with very compact mice with the Razer Viper Mini , Xtrfy M42 and other Cooler Master MM710 , the new Razer Orochi V2 goes even further. With dimensions of 108 x 60 x 38 mm, it is positioned as one of the most compact mice in the sector and only the recent Xtrfy MZ1 comes close to its size.

    In reality, this format can be explained by the very DNA of the Orochi range, initially designed to meet the needs of the most mobile gamers, and in particular laptop PC users.

    To believe the visuals offered by the brand, this Orochi V2 retains this idea, but many “ Desktop” players are now also looking for this compactness giving them better handling.

    And precisely, with its rounded shape more commonly called “Egg Shape”, the new mouse from Razer is an example of comfort and handling. Compared to the previous version, this V2 displays much more worked symmetrical lines and you quickly feel at ease once your hand is placed on it.

    The Orochi V2 against the competition

    If with its contained dimensions we will not necessarily recommend it for Palm Grip aficionados , in Claw Grip or Fingertips the Orochi V2 works miracles.

    The grip is stable, secure and comfortable enough to chain parts without feeling discomfort or pain.

    Its light weight also limits fatigue while making it easier for the mouse to move around when playing with reduced sensitivity.

    See Also : Razer Naga X Dedicated For MMO Players

    Razer Orochi V2 ergonomics

    The weight precisely, let’s talk about it. Razer announces on its technical sheet only 60 g for this new Orochi, but this is a measurement made without its battery. And as it is necessarily necessary to add one, this indication is more misleading than anything else.

    Here, the brand offers several options. By removing the upper shell of the mouse, there are indeed two locations allowing you to choose between an AA or AAA battery.

    Also, note that unlike the competition, the locations here are inclined so as to better distribute the total weight of the mouse. Rather well seen!

    Mouse is powered by one AA or AAA battery

    Also under the shell, we will note the presence of an insert for storing the USB dongle so as not to lose it when traveling.

    With the AA lithium battery in the box, we arrive at a weight of 74 g. If it is more than the 60 g announced by Razer, it remains well below a Logitech G305 at 99g (AA alkaline battery) or a Corsair Katar Pro Wireless at 96 g (AA alkaline battery).

    In practice, the mouse is closer to wireless models incorporating a battery. Such as the Glorious Model O Wireless at 69 g, the SteelSeries Aerox 3 Wireless at 66 g or the Razer Viper Ultimate at 74 g.

    Mouse shell can be customized

    In practice, the rendering of its personalized cases is quite clean and allows the mouse to stand out a little more from the competition. On the other hand, it will take 20 € more for these custom models, pushing up the bill to 99 €. It stings a bit.

    On the controls side, the Orochi V2 goes to the essentials with 5 programmable buttons and its dial. The two main clicks are equipped with switches designed in collaboration with the Kailh brand and offer a perfectly responsive activation.

    No post or pre-travel to report, nor any horizontal play.

    Mouse buttons are all responsive

    The dial has its side of notches rather well marked and its use is again very pleasant. Behind, a last button allows by default to navigate between its different DPI levels and a light indicator allows you to check the selected sensitivity.

    Also, if you are using Razer Synapse, a popup will briefly appear in the corner of your screen with your DPI level. Since the mouse is mainly designed for right-handed players, only the left front has two side buttons.

    Despite a fairly thin design, they remain perfectly accessible and benefit from a straightforward and responsive activation. It changes the somewhat “soft” clicks of the Logitech G Pro X Superlight for example.

    PTFE pads provide good glide

    At the rear, the mouse has two large PTFE pads and a third surrounding the optical sensor. The glide is very correct and we enjoy excellent handling in combination with its light weight and wireless connection.

    Still on the base of the mouse, there is also a switch to switch between the different wireless connection modes.

    Connection & Autonomy

    Unlike a G305, the Razer Orochi V2 has two wireless connection modes: via Bluetooth or 2.4 Ghz using a USB dongle. These are also its only connection modes, since it is not possible to use it wired.

    The 2.4 Ghz mode allows you to enjoy a wireless connection without the slightest latency and it is obviously the one we favor when gaming.

    During our tests, nothing to complain about the reliability of the connection but we would still have appreciated finding a USB extension in order to be able to bring it closer to your mouse.

    The dongle for the 2.4 Ghz wireless connection

    The Bluetooth connection can be used to connect the Orochi V2 without going through the USB dongle. As often, this connection can generate a certain latency and we recommend it only for office automation or games that do not require perfect responsiveness.

    As for the autonomy, it is difficult to give you a precise figure because the results can vary widely depending on the connection mode but also on the type of battery used.

    With the AA lithium battery provided in the box, Razer advertises up to 950 hours in Bluetooth and 425 hours in 2.4 Ghz mode.

    Switch Connection Modes

    A switch allows you to switch between the two wireless connection modes
    Obviously, with an alkaline AA battery as well as a smaller capacity AAA battery, keep in mind that these results will have to be revised downwards.

    To get a better idea of ​​the autonomy of the mouse according to your usage habits, Razer offers on its site a small utility to facilitate this calculation.

    Finally, note that the mouse only works wirelessly.

    Razer Synapse software

    The mouse is compatible with Razer Synapse software, which you can download for free from the manufacturer’s website. From there, you can create different configuration profiles according to your games or applications and load them automatically.

    From the “Customize” tab, it is possible to modify the mapping of all the buttons of the Orochi V2, except that of the left click. The brand offers a rather comprehensive list of actions, but it is also possible to create your own macros.

    There is also the option “HyperShift”, which allows to assign a secondary action to the buttons of the mouse. To access it, you will need to assign the “HyperShift” command to one of the buttons and then hold it down to switch to secondary actions. Enough to double the number of shortcuts in the blink of an eye.

    Last feature of this tab: device synchronization detailed a little earlier in our article.

    Software and Manual Guide Support

    Software Support And manual guide

    Feature for Raccot Orochi V2

    From the “Performance” tab, it is possible to adjust up to 5 sensitivity levels between 100 and 18,000 DPI with a step of 100 DPI. You can also configure the polling rate up to 1000 Hz.

    There is then a tab to calibrate the sensor according to its mouse pad as well as options related to the power supply. Here we can in particular set an automatic standby time or activate a “Low consumption” mode from a certain percentage of autonomy.


    The mouse has a Razer 5G optical sensor. It is probably a variant of the PixArt PMW3335, capable of climbing up to 18,000 DPI, handling speeds of 450 IPS and accelerations of 50G.

    In use and as is often the case, not much to complain about on this side. The mouse responds perfectly to the slightest movements and impossible to unhook the sensor for the common people.

    Razer Sphex 3

    To accompany the release of its Orochi V2, Razer has also unveiled a new Sphex V3 mouse pad. It is also a very compact and above all very thin model, with dimensions of 270 x 215 mm for a thickness of only 0.4 mm.

    As with the mouse of the day, it is designed to be easily carried in a bag or laptop bag for example. It has a rigid gliding surface and its grippy base helps stabilize it when placed on a desk.


    See Also : Best mouse gaming from Roccat Kain 122 RGB


    This Razer Orochi V2 is a nice surprise! Comfortable, manoeuvrable and versatile, it is placed like a competitor of size vis-a-vis the Logitech G305.

    Lighter than its opponent, it should be able to appeal to FPS players but also office-oriented users thanks to the addition of a Bluetooth connection.


    •  Compact and lightweight
    •  Excellent comfort
    •  Dual wireless connection
    •  Customizable case
    •  General performance


    •  High price
    •  No wired connection
    •  Slightly thin side buttons
  • ROCCAT Burst Pro Extreme Lightweight Review, Software Update, Manual Guide

    ROCCAT Burst Pro


    The Roccat Burst Pro offers excellent value for money if you are looking for a light and efficient mouse. Between its light weight, its perfectly flexible cable or its optical switches, it brilliantly combines performance and maneuverability while remaining affordable under the bar of 60 € .

    Even cheaper, its little sister the Core version is a great alternative for players on a tighter budget.

    Roccat Burst Pro Test

    Ultralight mice are in fashion and Roccat seems determined to get his share of the pie back. After the very good Kone Pure Ultra and its 66 g on the scale, the manufacturer unveils two new models with the Roccat Burst Pro and Burst Core . The two mice have an identical size, with symmetrical ergonomics and a total weight of 68 g.

    At just € 29.99 , the Burst Core is the cheaper of the two and is positioned as the most affordable ultralight mouse on the market. It is equipped with an 8500 DPI PixArt PMW3330 sensor, Roccat Titan optical switches and a standard cable.

    See Also : Roccat Kone AIMO Remastered Review And Test

    The Burst Pro model, which we focus on today, presents a technical sheet revised upwards. The mouse has an excellent sensor derived from the PixArt PMW3389, a much more flexible paracord cable , RGB lighting or even heat-treated pads.

    This Pro version is offered at a price of 59.99 € and competes with the Razer Viper Mini , the Cooler Master MM711 or the Endgame Gear XM1 .

    Can it find a place in the very competitive ultra-light mouse sector? Answer after ten days at his side.

    Design & Ergonomics

    The Roccat Burst Pro has symmetrical ergonomics, but its design is not ambidextrous. Without a button positioned on its right facade, it mainly targets right-handed players and possibly left-handed players, favoring fingertips grip .

    As for the Kone Pure Ultra , we are therefore here on a so-called ultralight mouse, with a total weight of 68 g. As is often the case, the design is based on a perforated frame, but Roccat has chosen to cover it with a translucent coating.

    A choice that in theory allows to limit dust and other dirt within the mouse, while promoting the diffusion of the backlight. Visually, it is quite successful and it changes a bit from what we are used to seeing in recent months in the sector.

    Dimension of Roccat Burst Pro

    In terms of dimensions, the Burst Pro displays an average size. With a length of 120mm, a maximum width of 58mm and a height of 38mm, it should be able to fit most players.

    Its shape is somewhat reminiscent of what we had discovered on the Endgame Gear XM1, with an upper part neither too flat nor too domed and slightly flared sides on the rear.

    The mouse seems to be able to adapt to the majority of grips, whether you are more a fan of Claw Grip , Palm Grip or even Fingertips , even if we recommend more compact models like the Viper Mini. .

    Comfort and handling of the Roccat Burst Pro

    On our side, comfort is at the rendezvous and it is possible to chain hours of gaming without feeling particular fatigue alongside this Burst Pro. Obviously, each user has their own preferences and it remains difficult to be completely objective on this point.

    Now place the mouse buttons. We find on the upper part the two main clicks, with Roccat Titan optical switches. A good surprise for a proposed mouse, we remind you that it is below the € 60 mark.

    The two main buttons have Roccat Titan optical switches

    In use, these optical switches are perfectly responsive and eliminate the bounce delay of traditional mechanical switches. The activation is straightforward and well marked, with good sound feedback. Their durability is also superior, with up to 100 million activation according to Roccat.

    It remains obviously difficult to verify in practice, especially after only ten days alongside the mouse.

    On the side of the wheel, there are well marked notches as well as an RGB lighting zone. In use, the latter is particularly comfortable, but we will still note a little play on our model. Because of this, the wheel sometimes shifts to the side and it remains difficult to say if this problem is related to our model or not.

    In use, however, this does not prevent its proper use. You can consult our video to better understand the “problem”.

    Ergonomics for Roccat Burst Pro

    As explained a little earlier, if the mouse has symmetrical ergonomics, only the left facade has buttons. Quite impressive, they are easy to access and again offer reactive activation. A good job from Roccat.

    ROCCAT Burst Pro

    Still on the side facades, we note the presence of a slightly textured honeycomb coating. It provides a little extra grip , even if it remains here much more subtle than a real rubber coating for example.

    On the cable side, the Roccat Burst Pro opts for a model called PhantomFlex . This is a particularly soft and flexible paracord model and it is clearly better than what the manufacturer presented us on its Roccat Kone Pure Ultra. Here it does not interfere with the movements of the mouse and we can without any problem bypass a bungee.

    The paracord cable is very flexible

    Last point to emphasize concerning the construction of this Burst Pro: its skates. Roccat opts here for heat-treated PTFE models. The brand does not necessarily specify the advantages that this brings to the use, but it is clear that the mouse offers one of the best glides in the sector.

    Performances of the Roccat Burst Pro

    To get a better idea of ​​the in-game performance of the mouse, the Burst Pro has mainly been tested on different FPS such as Call of Duty: Warzone, Diabotical or Valorant. If the youngest of Roccat did not transform us into a pro-gamer overnight, she is terribly effective and allows you to play in optimal conditions.

    See Also : Roccat Kone EMP Comfortable Mouse Software Support

    The Burst Pro offers excellent tracking with its efficient optical sensor
    With its light weight, flexible cable and very good glide, it adapts perfectly to players who are used to playing with low sensitivity. Combined with a good TKL keyboard, you can perform large and precise movements in a perfectly fluid way.

    The buttons are also very responsive and provide a good feeling of confidence upon activation. Again it’s all good and not much to complain about this Burst Pro.

    Roccat Swarm software

    On the functional side, the Roccat Burst Pro is compatible with the Roccat Swarm software. You can create up to 5 configuration profiles and load them automatically according to your games or applications.

    Roccat Support Software and manual guide

    The tool makes it possible in particular to manage the different levels of sensitivity of the sensor, here from 100 to 16,000 DPI with a step of 50 DPI.

    From the “Assignment of keys” tab, we can remap the 8 mouse buttons by counting the scrolling up and down of the wheel. Roccat offers some configuration examples but it is possible to choose the actions of your choice or to create your own macros.

    Configuration of EasyShift + buttons and options

    Each button can also have an alternative command via the EasyShift [+] functionality. This makes it possible to double the number of mouse shortcuts and it is rather practical on certain MMORPGs or for office automation for example.

    The “Lighting” tab is used to manage the RGB effects of the mouse. Here we find the usual modes of the brand and we must admit that it is a little less complete than in the competition. A single zone is configurable, including both the lighting of the wheel and those present under the translucent shell.

    Roccat AIMO RGB lighting

    In use, the lights are nevertheless successful and benefit above all from a beautiful light. Alongside the recent Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro keyboard, it has its small effect.

    The last tab “Advanced parameters” brings some additional options, including the possibility of adjusting the polling rate from 125 to 1000 Hz or to manage the lift-off distance on two levels or to calibrate it according to your mouse pad.


    The Roccat Burst Pro is a very nice surprise! After a convincing Kone Pure Ultra but not free from flaws, the manufacturer corrects the situation and positions its new mouse as an excellent alternative to the ultralight models already established on the market.

    At 59.99 € , it has one of the best quality / price ratios in the sector by offering a well-designed model and above all without the slightest concession. At this price, it is the only one to combine a light weight, optical switches, a paracord cable , RGB lighting or even an irreproachable optical sensor.

    If you have a tighter budget, the Burst Core is also interesting under the 30 € mark . We lose some of the advantages of the Pro model, with a more classic cable, less RGB and a less efficient optical sensor, but we keep comfortable ergonomics, optical switches and its weight of 68 g.


    •  Light and strong
    •  Flawless optical sensor
    •  Good grip
    •  Responsive buttons
    •  Soft and flexible cable
    •  Price


    •  Roccat Swarm software still lagging behind


    •  ROCCAT Owl-Eye 16,000 DPI optical sensor
    •  Acceleration: 50 G
    •  Maximum speed: 400 fps
    •  6 programmable buttons
    •  ROCCAT Titan Optical Switches
    •  Translucent honeycomb shell
    •  PTFE pads
    •  AIMO RGB lighting
    •  Built-in memory
    •  Roccat Swarm compatible
    •  Phantomflex cable – 1.8 m
    •  Weight: 68g
    •  Dimensions: 120 x 58 x 38.7 mm
  • The Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro Review, Manual Guide, Software Support

    The Roccat Vulcan


    The Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro is a compact version of the Vulcan 120 unveiled in 2018 . By skipping the numeric keypad, it adapts more easily to purely gaming oriented use .

    This Pro version is also distinguished by the integration of new Roccat Titan Optical switches, even more responsive and durable. It is offered at a manufacturer price of 159 €.

    A non “Pro” version is also available, it uses an identical design but incorporates traditional mechanical switches. Count 129 €.

    Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro Test

    After a convincing Roccat Vulcan, the German manufacturer finally unveils a TKL version of its flagship keyboard. Two models are presented, with on one side the Roccat Vulcan TKL carrying mechanical switches at 129 € and on the other a Pro version at 159 € , opting for new optical switches. It is on this second version that we are focusing today.

    Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro – A compact and powerful gaming keyboard
    This switch to the TKL format mainly targets competitive players, those who do not necessarily need a numeric keypad when gaming but rather additional space to move their mice.

    See Also : Redragon Karura K502 Nice Gaming Keyboard

    For the rest, the design and general conception of this Vulcan TKL takes again the bases of what we had already discovered with the original model. We therefore remain on a well-defined style, with low-profile chassis and switches giving pride of place to the backlighting.

    Design & Ergonomics

    As explained in the introduction, this new Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro broadly resumes the design of its big brother. The rather atypical style of the full version seems to have been a hit with gamers and this Ten Key Less version should probably catch the eye of many gamers.

    Before going into a little more detail on the design of the keyboard itself, a point concerning its new dimensions. If the Vulcan was rather large on a desk, this switch to TKL brings a much more compact format.

    With a length of 36 cm and a width of 13.3 cm, the keyboard is much more discreet when placed on its desk. The borders around the keyboard are thinner and this TKL version does not include the wrist rest that came with the Vulcan 120.

    Reduce Format

    Thanks to this reduced format, you save space for moving your mouse and this is particularly interesting if you are used to playing with low sensitivity. The Vulcan TKL Pro is also much easier to transport, especially since it now has a removable USB-C cable.

    On the finish side, the keyboard frame is made of plastic but the upper part is accompanied by an aluminum plate reinforcing its structure. The set withstands our various tortures well and does not bend under pressure. No complaints.

    On the back, there are two retractable feet to manage the inclination of the keyboard. Unlike some competitors, including the Logitech G915 TKL , only one height is available. Several rubber inserts make it possible to stabilize the whole once placed on its desk or an XXL mouse pad.

    The Roccat Vulcan

    Keys for Roccat Vulkan TKL Pro

    As for the keys, there are no differences compared to the Vulcan 120. There are transparent switches that perfectly highlight the different RGB lighting effects. The keycaps cover only the top of the switches and have a slightly curved shape that is supposed to better fit the fingertips.

    Note that these are ABS keycaps and not PBT. A bit of a shame not to benefit from a better finish on this Pro version compared to the classic TKL.

    In use, however, this format requires a little adaptation time and during the first uses it is sometimes a little more difficult to actually slide your fingers from one key to another. You get used to it fairly quickly.

    More Shortcut Keys for Roccat Vulkan TKL Pro

    On the right of the keyboard, there is a wheel to manage the sound volume as well as an additional button to mute the sound. Other additional commands are available as shortcuts with the Fn button. In particular, you can manage your music using the F9 to F12 keys or adjust the effects and lighting intensity using the directional arrows.

    By combining Fn + Del, it is possible to lock Fn mode to have direct access to these shortcuts. You can also replace the Windows key with the Fn key or activate Game Mode directly from the keyboard.


    See Also : Roccat Kone AIMO Remastered Review Test And Support Software

    Roccat Swarm software

    Like most of the brand’s peripherals, the Vulcan TKL Pro is compatible with Roccat Swarm software . You can create up to 5 configuration profiles and load them automatically according to your games or applications.

    The first tab “General characteristics” allows you to manage the delay and speed of key repetitions or to obtain audio feedback on each keystroke. Nothing very interesting here unless you want to hear a laser noise with each activation

    Software Support For Roccat Vulkan TKL Pro

    Software Support

    The “Key Assignment” tab can be used to modify the mapping of each of the Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro’s keys. You can create your own macros or select actions proposed by Roccat. It is also possible to assign a secondary action via EasyShift mode [+]. This second mapping is accessible via the Caps Lock key when Game Mode is activated.

    Finally, the last tab “Key lighting” allows you to adjust the various RGB effects of the keyboard. Here we find the usual options of the brand and in particular the AIMO lighting that can be synchronized with other Roccat peripherals. For the rest, it is a little less complete than what Razer or Roccat offers for example.

    Performance and Optical Switches

    Now it’s time for the performance of this Vulcan TKL Pro and its new Roccat Titan optical switches. Unlike conventional switches, activation is carried out here when the switch passes through a light beam and no longer by mechanical contact.

    The new Roccat Titan Optical switches

    A design that is found on more and more keyboards, including the Huntsman range from Razer or the recent Corsair K100 RGB . In practice, this makes it possible to overcome the rebound delay after each activation, but also to improve the durability of the switches. For its Titan, Roccat announces up to 100 million pressure.

    Currently, Titan Optical is only offered in a linear version. They have a total stroke of 2.8 mm, for activation at 1.4 mm. The activation force is not specified by Roccat, but according to our research it would be 45 g.

    In use, the keystrokes benefit from a particularly pleasant activation. The optical switches are very “fluid” and the keyboard does as well during daily tasks as in gaming. It is responsive and precise and each key benefits from a very correct stabilization. A good job from Roccat.

    Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro’s Performances

    Regarding the noise of these linear optical switches, you can find a demonstration in our presentation video. The activation itself is not particularly loud, but the keyboard frame can tend to resonate with the keys, especially when the keyboard is tilted slightly on its feet.


    By taking the basics of the Vulcan 120, this new Roccat Vulcan TKL Pro should once again convince many players.

    Its atypical but successful design allows it to stand out from the competition and its new optical switches respond perfectly to the slightest strike. Its compact size is better suited to purely gaming use , with much smaller dimensions than the original version.

    Now there is the question of price, because at nearly 159 € , this Pro model is clearly not cheap. The classic TKL version is for its part offered at a price of 129 € and seems to us to display a better quality / price ratio for the majority of users.



    •  A very compact TKL format
    •  A design as efficient as ever
    •  Responsive and durable optical switches
    •  Detachable USB-C cable
    •  Bright RGB lighting


    •  Keycaps a little too “square”
    •  Roccat Swarm software still lagging behind the competition
    •  Too expensive ?


  • Logitech Ergo M575 wireless mouse with trackball

    Logitech Ergo M575

    Logitech Ergo M575 : a wireless mouse with trackball and up to two years of battery life

    The Logitech Ergo M575 mouse doesn’t need to be moved to move the cursor, it all happens under your thumb. It has an optical sensor and therefore a very long battery life of up to two years. It is sold for 50 euros.

    Logitech has offered trackball mice for years. It is a large ball allowing you to move the cursor, without having to maneuver the mouse. Convenient for offices with limited space.

    “ Your hand and arm stay relaxed because you don’t have to move your arm to move the slider, ” says the manufacturer . Its angled design helps keep “ the fingers in a more natural position ,” he adds. Nothing new here, several mice are already available in the Ergo range.

    Logitech Ergo M575

    Optical sensor, five buttons, Bluetooth and Unifying

    The M575 has five buttons, three of which are programmable, and a thumbwheel. It uses an optical sensor with a “nominal” resolution of 400 dpi and “maximum” resolution of 2000 dpi. This is an important difference with the M570 trackball which used a laser sensor which allows it to be more energy efficient.

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    Of course, the trackball ball can be removed for cleaning. The set connects to the computer via Bluetooth or using the Unifying USB receiver included in the bundle. The manufacturer announces ” up to two years of autonomy with a single AA battery ” if you use Unifying technology, against twenty months in Bluetooth.

    In practice, this will obviously depend on your use.

    Recycled plastic, available for 50 euros
    The manufacturer highlights the fact that ” the plastic components of ERGO M575 are made from post-consumer recycled plastic (50% in Graphite shade and 21% in Off-white) “.

    The packaging paper is “ made from wood from FSC certified forests ”. Logitech offers its new Ergo M575 mouse for 50 euros , which places it well below other models equipped with a trackball … at least officially. Because if the M570 is 90 euros on the Logitech site, it is found at 44 euros.

    See Also : Roccat Kone AIMO Remastered – Review, Test and support Software